Editorial policy

The “Problems of modern education” (“Problemy sovremennogo obrazovaniya”) journal is a scientific web publishing on research in Pedagogics, Psychology and Philosophy. The editorial and authors focus their attention on the learning process of the general and vocational education. The journal is holistic and inter-disciplinary.

Goals and objectives of the journal:

  • to promote high quality of general and vocational education in Russia;
  • to distribute information on the latest scientific knowledge and research conducted by Russian and foreign scientists and educators in the Humanities and the possibilities of their implementation in the educational process;
  • to update the content of higher education through the introduction of the results of fundamental research on topical issues of the modern Humanities knowledge and the development of new educational technologies;
  • to create a wide field for professional communication of university teachers from both, Russian and abroad;
  • to popularize experience, the prestige enhancement and competitiveness of high school in Russia in the international scientific and educational space.

 The structure of the editorial meets the designated goals and objectives and comprises the following major sections:

  • Educational Philosophy
  • From the History of Philosophic Thought
  • Philosophy of Art
  • Philosophy and science
  • Philosophy in public space
  • Critical thinking: logic and reasoning
  • History of Psychology
  • Educational psychology
  • Social psychology
  • Cultural-Historical Psychology
  • Personality development
  • Cognitive psychology
  • Psychological Anthropology
  • Modernization of Education
  • History of Pedagogy and Education
  • Modern Education Theory
  • New Research in Education
  • Innovative Technologies
  • Young Scientists' Vision
  • Scientific Life

 Other important objectives of the journal are:

  • to cover important scientific events (the “Scientific Life” Section);
  • to publish reviews on monographs, textbooks and new publications (the “Reviews” Section) with the appeal to help teachers to get guided in the modern scientific literature;
  • to organize scientific debates on topical issues of contemporary humanitarian knowledge (the “Invitation to discussion” Section).

Working principles of the journal are professionalism, innovation, inter-disciplinarity, compliance with publishing ethics, openness. Due to this policy the authors of the journal are respected scientists and teachers as well as aspiring researchers from the Russian Federation, the CIS and far abroad countries.

Important aspects of the editorial policy are as following:

  • decision to publish, to refine or reject thematically inappropriate or improperly designed materials is made by the editorial Board, consisting of the most competent in the scientific community professionals; manuscripts rejected by editors, are not reviewed or returned;
  • verification with the "Antiplagiat" system, a thorough review, editing, and proofreading of the submitted materials in accordance with the requirements for scientific publications; the editorial Board reserves the right to make reductions and editorial revision, while respecting the principles of scientific ethics;
  • authors are responsibile for the actual materials published in articles; the materials placed in the journal reflect the personal views of the authors which may not coincide with the editorial opinion;
  • submitting the article to the editorial Board means the author's permission to publish it in the “Problems of modern education” (“Problemy sovremennogo obrazovaniya”)       journal, the placement of the article on the editorial website and the transmission of the text of the article to third parties (provision of data to whom is mandatory) in order to enable the citation of the publication, and to increase the citation index of both, the author and the journal;
  • the reprint of the materials published in the journal without written permission of the editorial office isn't allowed; violation of the exclusive rights of the editorial office to use the materials transferred for the publication and processed by the editorial is pursued by the law;
  • the journal is a pro-bono publication;
  • publishing of articles of post-graduate students (full-time education) is free of charge;
  • The cost of editorial and publishing services for the pre-press publications (literary editing, proofreading, layout, translations check) is 5000 rubles. Payment is made only after receiving a positive  review  of  the editorial board of the journal and their decision to publish the article in a particular edition.