№ 2-2014
Civic and Ideological Roots of K.D. Ushinsky’s Works
Dneprov E.D.
The article is devoted to the systemic analysis of K.D. Ushinsky’s world view.
Keywords: K.D. Ushinsky, socio-pedagogical movement, pedagogics of an individual, pedagogics of activity, pedagogics of liberty, pedagogics of social benefit. |
The Way to Pedagogics: Subjective Premises of Russian Science Development
Bulkin A.P., Kukushkina I.Y.
The article explores the premises that led to the formation of Russian pedagogics. It reviews the crucial stages of K.D. Ushinsky’s life and professional activity and analyses the reasons which motivated a teacher and lawyer to study pedagogics as a science and to become the founder of Russian pedagogics.
Keywords: culture, education, gymnasium, university, English language, pedagogics, pedagogical anthropology. |
K.D. Ushinsky – Teaching Law
Danilina E.A.
The author of the article describes the views of K.D. Ushinsky on the problems of law. The article is prepared on the basis of K.D. Ushinsky’s lectures which he gave in Yaroslavl Demidovsky lyceum in the period between 1846 and 1848. The lectures of K.D. Ushinsky were published for the first time by A.N. Ostrogorsky and became part of the “Unpublished Works of K.D. Ushinsky”, which were published in St. Petersburg in 1908. The author draws the conclusion that the whole conception of the pedagogical system of K.D. Ushinsky is based mainly on his legal views, on his confidence in the fact that a person must know the "internal organism of the state and the laws under which the state life in this organism exists".
Keywords: pedagogics, law, teaching, public law, private law, civil law.
K.D. Ushinsky’s Native Word
Vetchinova M.N.
The article analyses the thoughts of K.D. Ushinsky about the Russian language, about the importance of learning the native language and about its educational potential. The article contains his sayings about the role of Russian fairytales and proverbs in teaching how to read. His quotes about the importance of learning foreign languages are also given in the text.
Keywords: K.D. Ushinsky, native word, the Russian language, education.
The Significance of K.D. Ushinsky’s Pedagogical Ideas in the Modern Educational Space
Kocherga I.V.
The article is devoted to antropologisation of pedagogics, in particular to ideas of K.D. Ushinsky. He defined the role of the teacher in the educational space of the school and grounded the main factors in personal development.
Keywords: K.D. Ushinsky, antropologisation, upbringing, Russian history, nationality, personality, rich cultural legacy, pedagogy.
The Role of Ethnicity in the Formation of the People’s School
Berestneva A.B.
The article develops the idea, that every people should construct its upbringing and education in connection with the ethnic constituent. National ideology is the basis of education. A “people’s teacher” is presented as a carrier and translator of national traditions.
Keywords: ethnic peculiarities, mother tongue, people’s school, theory of upbringing.
Bringing the Ideas of K.D. Ushinsky into Life in the Practice of Tutor Assisted Education and Socialization of Children
Tkacheva A.N.
The article analyzes the views of K.D. Ushinsky on the problems of education and use of foreign experience in Russian pedagogy, nationality of education, perspectives on pedagogy as a science about education and the formation of Man, the view of education as a social phenomenon. The author also provides characteristics and directions of tutor assisted education and socialization of children and discusses possible ways to use the heritage of the great scientist in organizing modern educational space and the practice of teachers. |
Keywords: education, socialization, the educational activities of the teacher, humane personality pedagogy, foreign models of education, mentoring, tutor support, tutor strategy.
Education in the European Union
Savina A.K.
The author characterizes the work of the educational systems of the EU countries in the context of the implementation of regulations of the Maastricht Treaty. The article discloses the main directions of education integration aimed at achieving general strategic goals.
Keywords: European Union, Maastricht Treaty, systems of education, integration.
Culturological and Humanistic Models of the Educational Environment: Logic of Interaction
Korosteleva A.A.
The article examines the questions of development of the modern educational paradigm, called to become a cultural element.
Keywords: educational model, humanistic educational model, culturological educational model, educational paradigm, integration, humanization, self-actualization.
Using Didactic Trails in School Education
Maresz T.
The article characterizes the “didactic trails” – a unique form of special school trips for students.
Keywords: regional approach in education, regional education, didactic trails.
Latin Alphabet for Russian Words
Beloozerov V.N. |
The article is devoted to the problem of Russian word transliteration.
Keywords: transliteration, practical transcription, Cyrillic alphabet, Russian alphabet, standards, GOST.
Teaching Basic Piano on the Basis of Musical Rhythm Modeling
Dedik M.Y. |
This article analyses an approach to developing the sense of musical rhythm and teaching to play piano, which is based on modeling musical rhythm in different areas of the students’ motor activity. The author describes the possibilities of using this approach in teaching preschool and elementary school children in the additional musical education system.
Keywords: additional education, artistic and aesthetical education, playing piano, sense of musical rhythm, rhythm formula, captioning.
All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference in Honor of the 190th Anniversary of K.D. Ushinsky
Dedik P.E., Direnstein E.E., Tsapenko A.M. |
The article reviews the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference in Honor of the 190th Anniversary of K.D. Ushinsky. The conference was organized by the Ushinsky Scientific Pedagogical Library and the “Vestnik Obrazovaniya Rossii” journal with the help of the Russian Academy of Education and Sciences. The conference took place on March 27-28, 2014 at the Ushinsky Scientific Pedagogical Library of the RAE. |
Keywords: conference, K.D. Ushinsky’s anniversary, scientific and pedagogical approaches of K.D. Ushinsky, ideas of K.D. Ushinsky. |
The 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference: “Tendencies in Education Development: What are an Effective School and an Effective Kindergarten?”
Vyazemsky E.E. |
The article reviews the 11th International Scientific and Practical Conference: “Tendencies in Education Development: What are an Effective School and an Effective Kindergarten?” which took place between February 19 and 20, 2014 at the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration. |
Keywords: international conference, effective school, effective kindergarten, federal state educational standard, advancement in education quality. |
General and Specific Didactic Problems in Modern Education
Osmolovskaya I.М. |
The article reviews the joint “General and Specific Didactic Problems in Modern Education” round table of the Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogics of the RAE and the Institute of Content and Methods of Education of the RAE, that took place on March 20, 2014. |
Keywords: didactics, subject teaching methods, humanities, natural science, arts, anthropological approach, educational reforms. |
Doctor Zhivago's Birth Trauma
Lanin B.A.
‘Doctor Zhivago’ had been banned from publication in the Soviet Union. The British were suggesting that the CIA get copies of the novel behind the Iron Curtain. The idea immediately gained traction in Washington. The article reflects on the CIA involvement and argues that the artistic value of the book matters much more than new historical facts that we have learned recently. This reflection is combined with the critical analysis of the novel itself.
Keywords: Pasternak, Nobel Prize, censorship, Soviet literature. |
Magazin «National and Foreign Pedagogy» № 2(17) 2014