№ 5-2013
P. 5 |
Russian Academy of Education |
The Function of the Academy of Education in Determining the Principles and Conditions of Development of a Growing Individual at a Historically New Level of Social Movement (A Report at the Russian Academy of Education General Assembly 29.10.2013) |
Feldstein D.I. |
The article is a report made at the Russian Academy of Education General Assembly. It sheds light on the multitude of questions regarding the development of a growing individual in the modern socio-cultural situation. |
Keywords: Russian Academy of Education, situation of uncertainty, education, self-actualization of an individual, psychological and pedagogical science.
P. 6–20
APS of the RSFSR – APS of the USSR – RAE: 70 years of the Russian Academy of Education |
Boguslavsky M.V. |
This article characterizes the process of academic science development in the educational field that took place over the past 70 years. It summarizes the results of the work of the APS of the RSFSR, APS of the USSR and the Russian Academy of Education. |
Keywords: APS of the RSFSR, APS of the USSR, Russian Academy of Education.
P. 21-34
Typology and Characteristics of Academic Achievement Evaluation Programs |
Bolotov V.A., Valdman I.A. |
The article examines the main types of assessment programs (classroom assessment, state exams and large-scale research) and presents examples from international and Russian experience. Moreover, the authors discuss relevant scientific and practical problems, which should be taken into account when developing an effective system of education quality assessment. |
Keywords: quality assessment in education, testing, assessment procedures, international comparative studies, monitoring of academic achievement, national assessment, state exams, classroom assessment.
P. 35–53
In Defense of Primary Professional Education |
Tkachenko E.V., Smirnov I.P. |
The article examines the main types of assessment programs (classroom assessment, state exams and large-scale research) and presents examples from international and Russian experience. Moreover, the authors discuss relevant scientific and practical problems, which should be taken into account when developing an effective system of education quality assessment. |
Keywords: quality assessment in education, testing, assessment procedures, international comparative studies, monitoring of academic achievement, national assessment, state exams, classroom assessment. |
P. 54-67
The Questions of Life or Education and Preparation |
Bulkin A.P. |
The article analyzes the place and role of education at the crucial moments of Russian history in the 19th and 20th centuries; the category of «preparation» is introduced into the notional corpus of pedagogics, its correlation with the notion of «education» is revealed; the problem of the place of competences in modern education in Russia is addressed. The article confirms the axiom that the system of education reflects the state of the society, focusing and revealing its problems, which, in the long run, can be summarized as «the questions of life»: what are the key values of our society, who are we and where are we going and who is in the centre of our attention – a human being or a professional? |
Keywords: education, preparation, two types of education – formal and material; pedagogical activity, pedagogical process, purpose of education, competences, standard of education.
P. 68–81 |
Reform and Modernization of Higher Education at the Turn of the 21st Century in Soviet and Modern Russian Historiography |
Idiatullin A.V. |
The article examines the full spectrum of scientific research dealing with the problem of reforming the higher education, conducted during the period from the end of the 1980s to the present day. It highlights the research directions and identifies some problem areas which are still insufficiently investigated. |
Keywords: historiography, higher education, historical research.
P. 82-89
Moscow Schools on the Eve of and in the Beginning of the Great Patriotic War: The Source of Victory |
Volkova I.V. |
The article is devoted to the activities of the state institutions, the city department of education and the teachers of Moscow schools in the field of education and preparation of secondary school students for labor and defense on the eve and in the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. On the basis of archive documents the author reconstructs the preparatory measures, taken on the eve of the war to provide for the realization of children’s right to education. The author restores the precise picture of the reorganization of school institutions during the Battle for Moscow. The author analyses the contents of school education from the point of view of motivation for military duty. |
Keywords: preparing secondary school students for labor and defense, realization of children’s right to education at the time of war, military duty motivation. |
P. 90–101 |
School Geography and Methods at the Transition of Epochs (The First Half of the 20th Century) |
Ermoshkina A.S. |
One of the conditions of school geography education modernization is the analysis conducted in this article as well as the consideration of the characteristics of the development of geography teaching methods during the “times of change”, to which the first half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century can undoubtedly be attributed. The article also correlates the trends of school geography development with the current problems of content and teaching methods development for the school geography course. |
Keywords: external, internal and personal factors, development trends, mechanisms of transformation, models of school geography and methods. |
P. 102–116 |
National Mari Textbook: History of Evolution
Mikhailov V.T. |
The article examines the evolution of the national Mari textbook from 1775 to the beginning of the 21st century. The author reveals the characteristics of this evolution during the most important periods of development, which depended on the national and educational policies of the Russian state, the stages of historical development of the Mari ethnical group and the educational literature content requirements for Mari children education. Moreover, the author attempts to provide a theoretical basis to the positive historical experience of developing Mari educational literature and substantiate the necessity of its successive use in developing next-generation textbooks for the national school. |
Keywords: Mari national textbook, history of the textbook, key periods and stages of Mari textbook evolution.
P. 117–132 |
Organizing Monitoring of Academic Achievement throughout the World: SIMCE – The National Assessment Program in Chile |
Valdman I.A.
The article examines the main elements of the SIMCE national assessment program in Chile. Among these elements are the goals of the SIMCE, the users of the assessment results, the information dissemination strategy, the forms of informing and the information products and their characteristics. |
Keywords: monitoring of learning achievements, national assessment, assessment of the quality of education, testing, achievement levels, assessment scale, individual progress, presentation of assessment results, information dissemination strategy.
P. 133–149
Actualization of Carnival Processes during the Period of Cultural Crisis (Through the Student Subculture Example) |
Semenova Е.A. |
This article analyzes the concept of cultural crisis, the state of modern culture development in its festive, spectacular and borderline aspects and the art students’ potential from the perspective of understanding the modern carnivalization process. The student carnival picture of the world is interpreted as a significant and meaningful object in studying the nature of the carnival. |
Keywords: carnival culture, student subculture, art colleges, carnival feeling, cultural crisis, carnivalization.
P. 150-159
On Bibliometric Indicators Used in Evaluating Scientific Pedagogical and Psychological Journals |
Antopolsky A.B., Usanov V.E. |
This article proposes a revision of the list of reviewed pedagogical and psychological journals which can publish the results of dissertation research (VAK). For this purpose the use of bibliometric an expert methods is essential. The authors propose a set of bibliometric indicators based on the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) and webometric indicators based on Google Academy and the Yandex thematic citation index. Using these indicators, a rating of Russian pedagogical and psychological journals presented in the RSCI is formed. The rating process is accomplished through ranking the journals by each indicator. The final rating is planned to be used as a basis for expert journal evaluation. |
Keywords: list of reviewed journals, psychology, pedagogics, bibliometrics, webometrics, rating, ranking
P. 160–173 |
The Local Region Studies Component of Media Education of Orphans in the Conditions of Speech Therapy Support |
Chernousova I.I., Latyshev O.Yu. |
Tourist and local-history-oriented media education is beneficial to the process of socialization of orphaned children in a boarding school. The effectiveness of this type of activity combined with speech therapy support for the formation of correct speech patterns in a young tour guide, journalist, or museum manager is unquestionable. The article describes the types, methods and directions of work of speech therapists for successful socialization of orphans being cared for in institutions. Moreover, the authors provide a description of the work being done in this area at Boarding School № 1 in Voronezh. |
Keywords: Media, local region studies, interviews, tour guide, tourism and local region study activities, types and methods of speech therapy, socialization of orphans, boarding school, speech therapy course. |
P. 174–188 |
Continuous Education in the Interests of Stable Development |
Lomakina T.Yu. |
This article summarizes the presentations given at the conference dedicated to the problems of continuous education, which took place in the city of Minsk on September 27, 2013. |
Keywords: continuous education, formal and informal education, restructuration of the educational institution network. |
P. 189–193 |
A Bridge to a Child’s Soul |
Lanin B.A. |
P. 194–196 |
Can Didactics be Considered a Science? |
Osmolovskaya I.М. |
P. 197–204 |
Magazin «National and Foreign Pedagogy» No 5(14) 2013
P. 205-207