№ 1-2013
P.5 |
The Speech Act and Speech Etiquette |
Kurtseva Z.I. |
The article explores the problems of interrelation and interaction of such communicative categories as the speech act and speech etiquette, as well as the impact of an individual and his or her compliance with or violation of the norms of speech etiquette on the quality of the speech act. The article also draws attention to the communicative tone of the speech act, which is manifested in verbal and non-verbal behavior of the speaker. |
Keywords: speech act, speech etiquette, category of courtesy, phatic function of speech etiquette, tone of the speech act.
P. 6–15
Main Directions of Continuity in Continuous Teaching of Russian Orthography
Komissarova L.Yu. |
The article analyzes and identifies the most productive interpretations of the notion of continuity for the current stage of development of education. It offers a definition of continuity in teaching orthography and describes the directions of continuity, which the system of teaching Russian orthography is based on. The article identifies new objectives of teaching orthography, as a part of a more general strategic goal of teaching the Russian language. The author also reveals the essence of the concepts of “functional orthographic literacy” and “orthographic information”. |
Keywords: orthography teaching system, continuity in teaching orthography, directions of continuity in teaching orthography, functional orthographic literacy, orthographic information. |
P. 16–23 |
Mechanisms of Processing Text Information during the Process of Reading: Applied Aspects
Babina G.V. |
The article analyzes the problem of conceptualizing text information during the process of reading. Analysis of the students’ perceptive and imaginative-semantic text processing capabilities is carried out from a cognitive perspective. The functional characteristics of the cognitive mechanisms of association, focusing, compression and inference in the text activity of students with normal speech and speech and language disorders are established.
Keywords: reading, text information, cognitive mechanisms, concept verbalization, students with speech and language disorders, conceptualization of information.
P. 24–32 |
Types and Functions of Morphological Abnormalities in Russian Fantasy Prose |
Gryaznova A.T. |
The article examines the role of morphological abnormalities in creating the linguistic picture of the Russian fantasy world. Morphological abnormalities are presented in the article as a type of linguistic play, different types of which perform composite, ideological, aesthetic and other functions. The study identifies such linguistic tools for creating morphological abnormalities, as changing the grammatical number and gender of nouns, transposition of adverbs, infringement of communication standards.The observations presented in this paper allow the author to draw conclusions about the features of language and the style of Russian and Russian-language fantasy. |
Keywords: linguistic analysis of text, Russian fantasy language and style, fantasy picture of the world, linguistic play, morphological abnormalities. |
P. 24–32 |
Tendency of Using Feminine Gender Professional Titles |
Vasil’eva A.S. |
In the last few years, the number of lexemes describing individuals of the female sex as pertaining to their profession has increased significantly. This article analyses the principal tendencies of formation and function of such designations. The article demonstrates the dynamics of use of lexemes describing women of a particular profession, beginning with the Old Russian language. An emphasis is made on modern-day tendencies in using the new designations of professional women. |
Keywords: new designations of female individuals, functioning. |
P. 46–53 |
Polyphony and Harmony in Teaching Russian Language |
Deykina A.D. |
The article examines the problems associated with the axiological essence of the native language, as well as the methodological conditions for the harmonization of the Russian language teaching process, polyphony of the school course and interaction of different teaching approaches and principles. |
Keywords: language as a unique phenomenon, system of values, axiological essence, integral view, value meanings, value orientations, polyphony, harmony, harmonization, text as a didactic unit, small form text, lingvo-culturological characteristics of text. |
P. 54–72 |
Significance of Integrated Classes, Based on Literary, Artistic and Musical Works, for Student Speech Development |
Gero I.K. |
The article provides a theoretical substantiation of the significance of Russian Language classes based on cultural studies for the development of the students’ speech skills. An emphasis is made on the metadisciplinary function of the Russian language as a “means of communion with the spiritual richness of Russian culture and with the cultural and historical experience of mankind”. A number of classes that teach writing essays on same-topic literary, artistic and musical works is presented. (For example, an essay on the painting “The Swan Princess” by M. A. Vrubel and C. Saint-Saens play “The Swan” with an excerpt from A. S. Pushkin’s “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”.) The author also proposes a system of age-specific selection of same-topic works for students of the 5th, 6th and 7th grades. |
Keywords: activation of different types of vocal activity, Russian language, cultural studies competence, same-topic artistic and musical works, poetry, the ideal, integrative approach, integral perception of the world, associative connections, development of creative abilities, communicative competence, metadisciplinarity, formation of an individual.
P. 73–83 |
Educational Integration: Artpedagogical and Arttherapeutical Factors in Teaching Russian Language |
Borisova N.Yu. |
The article examines the problems of educational integration through the evolution of the notion of “literacy” and the associated changes in the structure of education. The educational structural changes are accompanied by changes of the national educational standards, as well as new requirements in teaching quality. Meta-subject competence, particularly in “conscions reading”, is becoming one of the foremost requirements. Its formation takes place during the entire school education process, but can become most effective through the implementation of long-forgotten traditions of the national language alphabet teaching with all its art-pedagogical and art-therapeutical factors. |
Keywords: educational integration, notion of “literacy”, structure of the education system, elementary school, national educational standards, meta-subject competence of “conscious reading”, psycholinguistic basis of language, art-pedagogical and art-therapeutical factors, Cyrillic calligraphy. |
P. 84–109 |
Effective Forms of Organizing Independent Work of Student Philologists (Through an Example of Lingvo-methodical Disciplines) |
Gordienko O.V., Knyazeva O.Y. |
This article discusses the problems of organizing student self-study through the example of lingvo-methodical discipline cycles. Effective forms of arrangement and realization of self-study are proposed. |
Keywords: student self-study, self-study motivators, forms of self-study, control of self-study. |
P. 110–118 |
Forming Professional Research Competences in Postgraduate Students Using Interdisciplinary Approaches |
Lipatova V.Y. |
The article gives a description of different interdisciplinary approaches to forming in postgraduate students necessary professional research competences, which will allow young scientists to create a scientific work. Independent research and writing are known to pose considerable difficulties for recent graduate students. One of the ways to overcome these difficulties is to use interdisciplinary approaches. |
Keywords: professional research competences, interdisciplinary approaches, complex system, methodological scheme of action-reflection, scientific model. |
P. 119–125 |
Perfection of the Argumentative Culture of Future Teachers |
Savova M.R., Smelkova Z.S. |
The article examines the problems of developing the abilities to create argumentative texts and introduce elements of argumentation into professionally significant texts in future teachers. Authors correlate stages of improvement of the culture of argument with key competences and propose a technique for its development, taking into account the specifics of a particular teacher’s genre of speech. The technique is aimed at training undergraduate students of all profiles within the frame of pedagogical education. |
Keywords: argumentative texts, argumentative abilities, pedagogical rhetoric, genres of speech of the teacher, common cultural competences, competence-based approach. |
P. 126–131 |
Student Research Paper Text: Facing the Genre Problem |
Erokhina E.L. |
The article is devoted to a comparison of an academic paper and a student report at a school conference from a communicative genristics (genre study) point of view. It reveals genre specifics of a student research paper, which allow for creating new methods of developing student-researcher communicative skills |
Keywords: student research, discourse, oral report, special teaching text. |
P. 132–139 |
The Development of Syntactical Structure of Children’s Speech in Morphology Classes: Coordinating Connections of Homogeneous Parts |
Eremeyeva A.P. |
The article offers a linguistic explanation of the peculiarities of the syntactical structure of speech formation through the analysis of relations of homogeneous parts and, at the same time, presents a variety of semantic meanings of conjunctions. The author outlines the methodological conditions for the syntax enrichment of children’s speech in morphology classes. |
Keywords: syntactical structure of speech, types of coordinating connections in homogeneous parts, functional peculiarities of morphological categories: the conjunction, the preposition, the pronoun, analysis of connotations in synonymic word connections. |
P. 140–148 |
School Russian Language Textbooks of the First Third of the 20th Century |
Gordienko O.V. |
This article explores the history of the school Russian language textbook at the turn of the 20th century, analyzes the influence of historical events on the theoretical development of the textbook. |
Keywords: the school Russian language textbook, Russian language programs, full programs, basic grammar, practical grammar, "Loose" textbooks, textbooks.
P. 149–158
Diagnosing the Level of Literary Text Comprehension in Russian Language Students |
Levushkina O.N. |
This article explores the significance of understanding text for teaching Russian language in modern schools. The author describes the methodology of diagnosing text comprehension in students (grades 5 through 11), which was developed on the basis of the typology of comprehension. The results of the diagnostic testing are presented in diagrams. |
Keywords: text comprehension; types of comprehension; skills specific to each type of comprehension; methodology of diagnosing text comprehension in students. |
P. 159–181
A Competence-based Approach to Teaching in Modern Schools |
Salnikova O.A.
This article analyzes the causes of the transition to the competence-based paradigm of education, differences between the competence-based approach and the traditional, knowledge-based one. General problems of the competence-based approach implementation are considered and ways of their negotiation are proposed. |
Keywords: competence-based approach, knowledge metaphors, subject-matter of education, organization of the educational process, student personal skills.
P. 182–187
Student Work with the “Russian National Corpus” Portal as Part of a School Grammatical Variance Study |
Skovorodkina M.A. |
This article presents the experience of students’ acquaintance with the phenomenon of grammatical variance in modern Russian language through the example of such verbs as "obuslovlivat" and "obuslavlivat".The study analyzes data from the "Russian National Corpus". The article also describes possible ways of working with the Portal to enable students to trace the movement of the grammatical norms, find out about complicated cases of usage, improve skills in using search systems and expand their vocabulary. The materials of this study can be used notonly in Russianbut also inliterature classes. |
Keywords: variance of verb forms, grammatical norms, active stage ofvariance, “Russian National Corpus”. |
P. 188–196 |
History of Russian Language Teaching Methods - Information Sources |
Yanchenko V.D. |
A scientific researcher working in the field of history of Russian language teaching methods needs to have access to multiple sources of scientific information for a productive research process. This article provides a review of possible information sources, which can include historicized textbooks and study aids, archive materials, thesis and article compilations, collective monographs, dictionaries, reading books, abstracts, dissertations and sources from the internet. |
Keywords: scientific sources, source study, source list, source selection criteria. |
P. 197–203 |