№ 3-2015
Identity Asynchronization in the Context of Globalization of Education |
Neborskiy E.V.
The article analyses with the problem of asynchronization of identity in the context of globalization of education. Globalization became the trigger for Higher Education system, initiating its serious changes. National and supranational education comes into latent conflict, which combines new types of identity. |
Key words: system of higher education, universities, globalization of education, national and supranational education, asynchronization of identity.
С. 5–9
Academic Degrees and Titles in Foreign Countries: General and Specific |
Savina A.K.
The article characterizes the modern ways of awarding degrees in foreign countries. The author brings out specific and general features, which favor the development of the European zone of higher education.
Key words: integration, universal system of higher education, universities, bachelor, master, doctor, habilitation.
С. 10–23 |
The mission of the university in the system of higher education in Great Britain |
Plaksina N.V. |
The article deals with the analysis of the British university system at the end of the 20th –the beginning of the 21st century. The author reveals the role and the place of the university in the system of higher education in Great Britain for the mentioned above period of time. The 8 types of universities are characterized. The history of their development and their missions at the beginning of the 21st century are analyzed.
Key words: university, the system of higher education, academic background, vocational education, open and distance learning system.
С. 24–31 |
New types of upbringing in the Czech Republic: civic upbringing |
Dolgaya O.I. |
The paper analyzes changes of the goals for upbringing in the Czech Republic which took place in the educational sphere at the end of the 20th-early 21st century as a result of considerable reforms. The author characterizes civic upbringing as one of the main new types of upbringing and its reflection in the educational programmes at pre-school and general school levels of secondary schools in the Czech Republic.
Key words: the goals of upbringing and education, civic upbringing, a citizen of a democratic society, man and society, man and world, civic upbringing in the content of education, social upbringing.
С. 32–40 |
Psychological features of intellectual activity |
Abduraximov Q.A. |
The author intellectual activity is considered as a form of human activity aimed at creating intellectual product and reproduction of intellectual capital, which is characterized as a powerful driving force in the development of human civilization. It is based on the totality of the achievements of science, culture, traditions and spiritual values, accumulated by mankind for millennia. |
Key words: Self-creation ability, awareness, cognition, thinking, analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, abstraction, instantiation, intellectual activity, psychological processes, actions, speech characters, motives, goals, needs, feelings, internal motivation.
С. 41–47 |
Substantiation of the Developing Addition to the Encyclopedia of Professional Education
Lomakina T.Y., Yakovleva M.B. |
The article substantiates the need of developing an addition to the Encyclopedia of Professional Education and presents the methodological basis of the development. |
Key words: professional education, terminological field, factors, basis, term content.
С. 48–55 |
Russian Government, Society and Education in Historical and Pedagogical Literature |
Ovchinnikov А.V., Kozlova G.N. |
The article analyzes the main scientific works are devoted to the problem of interaction between government and society in the development of General education in Russia of the XIX—XX centuries Analyzes different approaches to the periodization 4of the history of national education, to the analysis of complex problems of the relations between the state authorities and members of the public in their views on the ways of development of Russian education in the context of modernization.
Key words: historiography of national education, the role of government in the development of Russian education, periodization of General education in Russia, government policy and public perceptions of the education.
С. 56–71 |
The activities of local authorities in the field of education of foreigners in pre-revolutionary Russia (on the example of Orenburg Province Zemstvo (1913–1917)) |
Allagulov A.M. |
The article presents the analysis of the Orenburg Province Zemstvo in education of foreigners. Presented by understanding the essence of the concept of "local authority", "aliens" as the theoretical and methodological foundations of historical and pedagogical knowledge of the phenomenon under study. The author identifies the basic forms of education of foreigners in the period from 1913 to 1917. |
Key words: education of foreigners, local government, state education policy, N.I. Ilminsky.
С. 72–78 |
Working with the Teaching Staff as a Means of Improving the Quality of the Preschool Educational Process |
Boguslavskaya T.N., Kachenovskaya L.A. |
The article characterizes different approaches to improving the quality of preschool education in the conditions of the new standards of preschool education and the creation of educational complexes. |
Key words: quality of education, preschool education, teaching staff, educational complexes.
С. 79–87 |
Possibilities of Realizing the Ideas of Stable Development in the “Spiritual Culture” Section of the Social Studies Course |
Korosteleva A.A. |
The article examines the possibilities of a broader implementation of the idea of a stable development into the educational context of the social studies course via the “Spiritual Culture” section. |
Key words: axiology, biosphere, upbringing, culture, education, education for stable development, stable development, ecology, ethics.
С. 88–96 |
Organization of extracurricular independent activities in mathematics |
Morozov E.A., Morozova A.V., Novoselov A.V. |
Our experience of the organization of extracurricular independent work of upper-form pupils when doing homework in mathematics in educational institutions of Perm is described. The practical use of a thematic test complex on the main sections of a school algebra course, aimed at individualization and differentiation of teaching, is presented. |
Key words: teaching mathematics at school, extracurricular educational activities, independent work of pupils, testing system, test tasks.
С. 97–107 |
Educational programs “Two generations”: advantages and potential |
Boguslavskaya O.M. |
Educational programs, which include two generations of family, have beenactively used during last decades in USA and have been widely spread in educational systems of developed countries. Programs are focused on solving actual social problems: poverty, unhealthy life style, which leads to different illnesses, like obesity. Programs have proven their effectiveness and according to studies and researches in different spheres, we are able to identify method’s advantages and evaluate potential of ‘Two generation’ approach. |
Key words: education, early education, life long education,“two generation approach”. |
С. 108–121 |
E-learning as a Virtue in Modern society
Karmanov M.V., Mahova O.A. |
Throughout the media and literature there have been many publications over the years, related to the attempts of understanding the place and role of e-education in modern society. What is it – good or bad? In this respect, the systematic analysis of the already installed and then gradually emerging benefits of e-learning as a direction of development of the market of educational services is of great scientific and practical interest.
Key words: education, e-education, benefits of e-learning, problems of e-learning.
С. 122–127 |
Integration of Science, Education and Manufacture
Sergeyeva M.G.
С. 128–131 |
Magazin «National and Foreign Pedagogy» No 2(23) 2015 |
С. 132–133