№ 2-2016
Successful informatization=transformation of the educational process in the digital educational environment
Karakozov S. D., Uvarov A. Yu. |
The article presents the conditions for a successful transformation of the educational process in the ICT rich learning environment. Informatization of education today is indistinguishable from the process of its transformation. Unified process of informatization=transformationof the educational process can be discussedas a systemic change that transforms the quality of educational institutions.
informatization of education, transformation of education, models of informatization.
P. 7–19 |
On the experiment in teaching a computer science course in high school
Vodopyan G. M. |
The article describes some key elements of a learner-centered model of Computer Science teaching worked out in the provably effective approach adjusted to the specialist school. A model of the structure of education and potential contents of the intraschool progress standards in IT studies are suggested. Some results of the experimental teaching during the recent five years are discussed.
computer science, software engineering, a learner-centered model, provably effective approach.
P. 20–30 |
On the quality management system modernization of the educational outcomes at the municipality level
Kovalev E. E |
In the article the approaches to modernization of quality management system of education at the level of municipalities are considered. The author offers to use standards in the field of the IT infrastructure management. In this regard information modeling of innovative aspects of the offered system is carried out.
quality management system, education informatization, modernization, modeling.
P. 31–35 |
Design of the syllabus on teaching cooperation in a virtual social and educational environment for different categories of users
Koroleva N. Yu., Ryzhova N. I. |
The article gives grounds to the timeliness and topicality of teaching different categories of users and suggests a scientifically proven approach to designing the syllabus of teaching cooperation in the virtual social and educational environment.
virtual social and educational environment, ICT -competence.
P. 36–43 |
Skill to structure information: essence, critical period of formation and criteria of well-formedness
Zakharova T. B., Semenova Z. V., Saprykina N. A. |
The essence of the skill to structure information in the context of requirements of the Program of development of universal educational actions for the primary general education, as well as requirements on which the international researches ICILS , PIRLS , TI MSS are focused are considered in the article. The set of skills to structure information which pupils of classes 2-4 have to master is defined. Evaluation criteria of well-formedness of these abilities are stated.
structuring of information, ability to structure information, centering, group, reorganization, elementary school, universal educational actions.
P. 44–51 |
Distance learning technologies – a contemporary’s view
Bogdanova D. A. |
Some examples from the author’s personal experience of learning at various distance courses are reviewed against the background of the history of the development of distance learning.
distance learning, cMOOC , xMOOC , self-assessment, self-assessment tools, technology enhanced teaching.
P. 52–58 |
IT and the students’ technical creative work
Lipatov V. I. |
The opportunities of IT use for the students’ creative work development are described in the article. Moreover, levels of the creative ability characterize the activity aspect of this development. IT as a school subject represents a wide range of educational resources for using them both in the classroom and for self-education.
IT, technical creative work, self-education, creative work, educational resources.
P. 59–62
Some recent international education and competition events
Pokhodnya N. V., Sharich V. Z. |
The paper provides an overview on the international educational or competitive projects. The authors were directly involved in their implementation. We propose an analysis of the pros and cons of the existing format.
Summer camps, MathSchool.ru, motivated students.
P. 63–66 |
The structure of knowledge in computer science on the basis of results of the Unified State Examination in the Altai region
Afonina M. V. |
The article describes the structure of the knowledge measured by the Unified State Exam on computer science; the analysis of the results of the exam in computer science in the Altai region is given and the levels of proficiencyof students’ knowledge in the various topics of the discipline are identified.
Unified State Exam, syllabus on the “Informatics” course, learning outcomes, the structure of knowledge in computer science, measurement and control materials.
P. 67–76 |
The features of methods of teaching secondary school mathematics development in the context of subject information and educational environment
Khilyuk E. A. |
This article examines the features of methods of teaching Mathematics to secondary school students in the context of the subject information and educational environment. This technique can be implemented on the basis of the proposed “mirror” learning model.
Keywords: |
subject information and educational environment, methods of teaching Mathematics.
P. 77–80
The features of the use of distance learning technologies
Korneshchuk N. G.
This article discusses the design of training courses for the distance learning system, the necessary competence of teachers and e-content developers.
IT -competence, training materials exchange model, course management systems, learning management systems models.
P. 81–84 |
The off-campus support of full-time Higher Education
Soboleva M. L. |
The article presents the experience in development, implementation and use of the off-campus electronic courses in full-time education in the Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes for “Pedagogical education” (major Information Technology, “Specialist and extended training of the computer science” Master’s degree program).
the off-campus support of full-time education, online courses in “Moodle”, training of IT teachers in Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes.
P. 85–91 |
The relevance of the network academy of e-learning pedagogy establishment in BSPU
Minich O. A. |
The paper discusses some ways of practicing the gamification method in the
informatization of education, e-learning, electronic educational services, network pedagogical interaction.
P. 92–97 |
Some special features of gamification use in the process of studies
Pevzner V. V., Pogorelov V. I., Shuklin D. A. |
The article describes the structure of the knowledge measured by the Unified State Exam on computer science; the analysis of the results of the exam in computer science in the Altai region is given and the levels of proficiency of students’ knowledge in the various topics of the discipline are identified.
gamification, off-campus training, gamifying course.
P. 98–101 |
Approaches to preparation of computer science teachers in a pedagogical university in the sphere of use of information and educational systems
Lyash A. A., Ryzhova N. I.
The article describes basic approaches to vocational preparation of computer science teachers in a Pedagogical University in the sphere of use of information and education systems. The author proposes the training syllabus in the form of a list of modules.
training of computer science teachers, education information systems, a module approach, the training syllabus.
P. 102-109 |
The contents and structure of professional competencies in the context of bringing the Federal State Education Standards in Higher Education into line with professional standards
Petrov D. A. |
Some examples from the author’s personal experience of learning at various distance courses are reviewed against the background of the history of the development of distance learning.
distance learning, cMOOC , xMOOC , self-assessment, self-assessment tools, technology enhanced teaching.
P. 110–115 |
The design of the main professional educational programs in the context of bringing existing FSES НЕ into line with professional standards
Khudzhina M. V. |
This paper is devoted to the theoretical approach to designing basic educational programmes in the context of bringing the existing Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Professional Education (FSES HE ) into line with Federal Education Law of the Russian Federation (No. 273) and introduced Professional Standards (PS ). The author shows the correspondence between the introduced hierarchies of FSESHE -requirements and the hierarchy of PS -requirements, which allows one to take into account the PS requirements in designing basic educational programs for higher education institutions in accordance with the FederalState Educational Standards.
Federal State Educational Standards, higher education, educational programme, professional standard, decomposition, hierarchy.
P. 116–120 |
Methodological features of teaching basics of artificial intelligence to future teachers of computer science: from practice to theory
Nikitin P. V., Gorokhova R. I. |
The article describes the methodological system of teaching “Artificial Intelligence study” in the course of training of future computer science teachers. Thistechnique is based on the «from practice to theory» principle, method of problem-based learning and technology of critical thinking. The modern analytical platform, intelligent tutoring systems, expert systems are used as the learning tools. The results of the implementation of the designed methodological system in the educational process are given.
methods of teaching computer science, artificial intelligence, expert systems, analytical platform, neural networks.
P. 121–126 |
The technological component of an IT-teacher training in the networking of the educational process
Lyash O. I., Koroleva N. Yu. |
The article discusses the relevance and necessity of the technological component of an IT -teacher training, including the study of configuration and administration components of the modern educational environment by the example of the system of an automatic check on programming tasks, groupware, instant messaging.
components of the educational environment, learning management system, the virtualization technology.
P. 127–132 |
Training of computer science teachers in the field of information modeling
Filimonova E. V., Ryzhova N. I |
The article describes the approaches to teaching information modeling to the teachers of computer science. The method of using graphs as a learning tool of both, teaching informational modeling and solving professional educational problems relevant to an IT -teacher, is described. The article provides amodule structure ofthe information modeling syllabus.
information modeling, professional competence, informational and analytical activity, methods of education.
P. 133–139 |
The main principles of designing the informational educational environment of a humanitarian university
Temnikova I. S. |
The author links the contents of the article to the informatization process which is actively carried out in the course of reforms in the Russian system of education, paying a rapt attention to a question of great importance: the methodological peculiarities of the professionally oriented educational environment in a humanitarian University.
educational environment, University,professional activity.
P. 140–144 |
Development of the competence in the sphere of e-learning and off-campus studies in the students of a pedagogical university
Manyakhina V. G. |
One of the obstacles to the wider adoption of e-learning and off-campus training technologies in school education is the lack of the teachers, qualified in this sphere. This article discusses the ways of forming this competence in students of a Pedagogical University and describes the experience gained by the Faculty of Mathematics at Moscow State Pedagogical University.
teacher-training education, ICT competence of teachers, e-learning, off-campus learning, blended learning.
P. 145–147 |
Standard tasks in special methodical preparation of future it teachers to implement computer science education
Vabishchevich S. V. |
The article describes the methodological grounds for making a model of the syllabus for a special methodical preparation of future IT teachers to implement computer science education in secondary school presented in the form of standard tasks.
computer science training, an IT teacher, a specialist model, standard tasks.
P. 148–153 |
Generic programming as a way of intensification the process of the implementation of algorithms training
Zhdanov S. A., Demina O. V. |
In the article the expediency of the application of the generic programming С++ and Java paradigm for the intensification of the process of training algorithms realization is grounded on the basis of didactic system approbation.
generic programming, programming paradigm, intensification, training programming.
P. 154–157 |
The technique of realization of the “Numerical methods” course in the setting of the blended learning of students
Deza E. I. |
The article considers some questions of the organization of the blended learning in the system of the higher education. The reasons for the introduction of electronic courses to the educational process of higher educational institutions are analyzed. The features of the blended learning influencing the technique of realization of such courses are highlighted. Various options of the organization of the blended learning in the system of the higher education are considered. The author presents the technique of the course “Numerical Methods” realization with applying the opportunities provided by the Moodle system and backed by the traditional full-time tuition.
distance learning, electronic training, the reasons and options of the organization of the blended learning, Moodle system, numerical methods.
P. 158–162 |
Design of the system of intellectual analytics in school education in the Russian Federation
Zhdanov S. A., Silchenko A. P. |
The demands of the education system of the Russian Federation upon the intellectual analytics are displayed in the article. New approaches and ideas in the sphere of monitoring the quality of education and estimation of the students’ individual educational achievements are offered. The necessity for the development of new approaches for intellectual analytics of the educational process is proved.
national education system, analytics, individual educational attainment, educational quality assessment, monitoring, subject & meta subject competence, universal educational actions, a new generation of e-magazine.
P. 163–167 |