№ 6-2015
National Standard of the Quality Management System as a Resource of Modernization of Management in School Education
Galeeva Natalia L. |
The article describes the comparison of the requirements of the national standard system of quality management with the content of the all-Russian system of education quality assessment, the results of the use of copyright materials for diagnostic assessment of intraschool system of education quality assessment are drawn.
National standard of the quality management system of the Russian Federation, all-Russian system of education quality assessment, principles and objectives of school-based management, criteria and indicators of quality of school-based management.
P. 5–20 |
Sociocultural Grounds for Historical and Pedagogical Expert Study of the Innovations in the Sphere of Education
Boguslavsky Mikhail V. |
The article deals with the descriptionof the socio-cultural basis for the development of the Russian education. Modern approaches in the sphere of history of education and pedagogy and the scientific grounds for conducting a historical and pedagogical expert study of the innovations in the sphere of education are presented.
history of pedagogy and theory of education, expert study in the sphere of education, methods of education, strategy of the development of education, modernization of education.
P. 21–31 |
On Contemporary Approaches to Solution to Professional Problems in the Higher Training and Secondary High School Sphere
Minin Anatoliy Ya. |
The article proves that the professional problems of the present and intending teachers’ credentials are successfully solved in national and foreign education due to scientific research achievements in the higher training and secondary high school sphere, improvement to teaching methods and approaches, application of new approaches to scientific and humane knowledge evaluation, development of the legal control over learning activity in the modern global community. The elaboration of the system of professional and educational standards (the quality standards of education) alongside with the social control as an enforcement mechanism to provide the state demands and compensatory remedy for their breach in the sphere of education play the significant role. Consequently, public inspection as the means of social control on the knowledge of Higher Education students as well as of High School pupils is widely used as the liability of the Teacher Training Universities for committing professional deviations.
peculiarities of socialization, high and higher education sphere, scientific research projects of pupils, educational standard as the quality standard of education, approaches to knowledge evaluation, significance of social control.
P. 32–39 |
Competence-Based Approach to Learning and Control of Learning of Chemistry in the Countries of South-East Asia
Borovskikh Tatiana A. |
The success of students from South-East Asia at various international Olympiads in science and technology as well as results of the TI MSS and PISA tests requires studying the region system of science education. The analysis of the state of science education in such countries as China, South Korea and Singapore shows the relevance and feasibility competence-based approach to learning at all stages of the educational process. To ensure the competence approach to training a methodical system of tasks and exercises should be developed, that would allow to carry out the shaping of universal educational activities of secondary school students’.
Southeast Asia, universal educational actions, competence-based approach to learning and control of learning, training and controlling tasks.
P. 40–47
The Features of the Science Curricula in Singapore: Primaryand Lower Secondary School
Pentin Alexander Yu. |
The features of the science curricula in Singapore are analyzed in the article. Curricula for primary and lower secondary school were considered. They both are from the same frame, have the same goals and target the same set of results. It is indicated that the main goal of the curricula is scientific literacy. Natural sciences are considered in the curricula mainly as the scientific inquiry. The scientific inquiry has three equivalent components: 1) knowledge, understanding and application; 2) skills and processes; 3) ethics and attitudes. The curriculum consists of several integrated units, e.g. Diversity, Models, Systems, Interactions (lower secondary). This approach gives the opportunity to find out the connections between different natural sciences issues. The curriculum design shows how appropriate skills and attitudes are formed and developed along different curriculum topics study.
curriculum, scientific literacy, scientific inquiry, integration
P. 48–58 |
The Teaching of Computer Science in Primary and Secondary School in South Korea
Manyakhina Valentina G. |
The article concerns the content of contemporary South Korean computer science textbooks for primary and secondary schools. South Korea’s approach to teaching IT science in schools is of great interest because it uses the most current trends in the IT field.
Computer Science at school, computer science in South Korea, computer science in primary school, computer science in secondary school.
P. 59–67 |
Transformation of Education in IT-Rich Educational Environment |
Shulgina Diana S. |
The article focuses on the importance of education and its changes due to many factors, one of which is the IT , the background of the new model of individualized system of school study based on the school portal as well as the description of the information tools used for its operation. The transformation of space and time of the educational process in the new conditions is discussed. It is shown that the transition to the new model helps to solve a number of urgent problems of the general education system.
modern education, information and communication technologies, the transformation of education, workstation, school portal.
P. 68–76
Mobile App to Explore Three-Dimensional Graphic Models
Soboleva Marina L. Tyrdanova Maria S. |
The article presents the description of the mobile application which is developed on the basis of augmented reality technology and may be used in the study of three-dimensional graphic models.
educational mobile applications, augmented reality technology, study of threedimensional graphic models.
P. 77–82 |
The Use of Joint Access to Documents in Project Activities of Students.
Muravyeva Elena D.
The article deals with the experience of working with the “Google docs” service in the preparation and holding of the binary lesson at school. Network services provide an opportunity to share the content to a number of users. You just need to have access to the Internet.
project activity, teamwork, cloud services, Google docs, education.
P. 83-87 |
Pedagogical Ideas of M. N. Skatkin in the Development of the National Education
Boguslavsky Mikhail V. Osmolovskaya Irina M. Kutyova Nadezhda V. |
The article provides the essential content of the speeches and reports presented at the International Scientific-Theoretical Conference “M. N . Skatkin – an outstanding national educator and educationalist”, the scientist’s 115 anniversary.
M. N . Skatkin, methods of pedagogy, didactics, polytechnic education, history of pedagogy and theory of education, personalistics.
P. 88–99 |
Interpretation of The Ideas of L. S. Vygotsky in Art Studies
P. 100-100