№ 4-2013
Russian Education Modernization Strategies of the 20th Century: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Research |
Boguslavsky M.V. |
Based on the analysis of political modernization theory and the concept of strategic management, the author examines the most important methodological approaches to strategic modernization of Russian education in the 20th century. |
Keywords: strategy, reform of education, modernization of education.
P. 5–20
Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to the Analysis of Educational Policy in the Context of Russian Education Reform in the 20th Century |
Milovanov K.Yu. |
This article analyzes the reform experience in Russian education in the 20th century, as well as the priorities of state educational policy. The author also sums up the results of a century of modernization of Russian education. |
Keywords: Russian state educational policy, reform in education, principles of educational policy, modernization of education, national educational system.
P. 21-34
Participation of Voluntary Organizations in the Development of the Russian Education Modernization Strategy in the 20th Century |
Kudryashev А.V., Zanayev S.Z. |
The main approaches to understanding the notion of «civil institution» in the sphere of education are described in the article. A classification of civil institutions based on their forms and functions is presented. Particular attention is given to such civil institutions as self-government, voluntary organizations; their part in the formation of civil society is highlighted. Also, the authors provide an analysis of the teachers’ contribution to the discussion of the strategies of modernization of Russian education in the 20th century. |
Keywords: civil institutions, self-government, civil society, voluntary organizations, voluntary associations,Zemstvo, Moscow City Duma, the “Parents Society”, the First All-Russian Family Upbringing Congress.
P. 35-50
Cognition as the Highest Affect: Once More About Cognitive Competence |
Bulkin A.P. |
The article analyse scognitive activity in the forms of «gnosis» and «cognitio». Their differences are defined according to the following parameters: their place and role in human life, their objects of research; motivation of their subjects of activity and their content. Also described is the process of realization of cognitive activity throughout the history of pedagogics and education in the “material” and “formal” forms of education in the “knowledge” paradigm and in the form of “cognitive competence” in the “system” and “activity” paradigms. The research is based mainly on the historical materials of Russian pedagogics. |
Keywords: cognitive activity; gnoseology; cognitivism; “material education”; “formal education”; cognitive competence; “knowledge” paradigm; “system” and “activity” paradigms.
P. 51–64 |
Models of Upbringing: National Context |
Belyaev G.Yu. |
This article describes models of education within their historical national socio-cultural contexts. Any pedagogical interaction is implemented through specific media of cultural and socio-educational practice measuring normalizing formal contradiction between authoritarian, liberal and democratic education. Thus, a model of education, taken in the context of national culture, helps students create and develop not only their own personal views of the meaning of life, but also understand some other forms, aims and objectives of education. Any pedagogical work in cultural educational models is designed to overcome the temporary crises of multicultural education as the most important direction of modern pedagogics. |
Keywords: upbringing trends, model of education, cultural form of education, pedagogical interaction, educational practices.
P. 65-78
A Polysubject Model of Educational Activities as a Basis of Forming Learning Skills in a Student |
Samonenko Y.A., Zhiltsova O.A., Samonenko I.Yu. |
This article examines the content and methods of general education . Also presented are the results of the research conducted by a team of MSU scientists, who, over the past several decades worked on improving the educational system, from the viewpoint of cultural and historical and systemic and activity-based approaches. |
Keywords: learning skills, developing education, activity-based approach, system analysis, polysubject model of activity.
P. 79-95
Cultural and Educational Potential of Aesthetic and Artistic Expression in A.F. Losev’s Ideas from the 1920s to the 1980s |
Pechko L.P. |
The article is dedicated to the scientific works of a prominent Russian philosopher A.F. Losev and his concept of the aesthetic as the expressive, in other words, the unity of the essence of the object or phenomenon and the form of its expression. In the context of education and pedagogics this approach has a productive future. |
Keywords: philosophy, aesthetics, aesthetic, art, culture, cultorology, expression, expressiveness, education, pedagogics. |
P. 96–103 |
Cognition – Conquest – Destruction: Values in Teaching Elementary School Natural Science in the Soviet Period |
Kozlova M.A. |
On the basis of content analysis of elementary school textbooks and teaching aids for science teachers, the author examines value orientations and models of behavior for students in relation to the natural environment, and their transformation during the first half of the 20th century. |
Keywords: ecological consciousness, ecological education, values, the natural environment, moral orientation. |
P. 104–120 |
Educational Literature for Chuvash Schools of the 19th – 20th Centuries
Semenova P.A., Solovieva G.P. |
This article characterizes the history of the Chuvash language textbook, which takes its origin in the latter part of the 18th century. I.Y. Yakovlev, a pedagogue and creator of modern Chuvash alphabet, played a foremost role in creating the study literature of the late 19th century. 20th century brought about a plethora of Chuvash language and literature textbooks and study guides, which aided further development of the language. The appendix to the article contains a bibliographical index of Chuvash primers, which makes it easy to analyze primer publishing during a certain period, find the names of scientists which took part in their preparation, track the content evolution of educational literature and the changes in educational programs. |
Keywords: educational literature, Chuvash language, Chuvash writing, history of Chuvash language, primers for the Chuvash people.
P. 121–142 |
Professional Development of a Teacher as a Subject of International Educational Space |
Postrygach N.O. |
The article is devoted to international theoretical developments in the field of professional development of teachers as subjects of international educational space. Also assessed is the validity of the prognostic possibility of adapting progressive ideas of international experience to the theory and practice of continuous pedagogical education in Ukraine.
Keywords: conceptual map, professionalization of teachers, increasing teacher qualification, teacher’s profession profile, subject of an international educational space.
P. 143–149
Use of Tourist and Local Lore Study Materials in Geography Classes as part of the Process of Socialization of Orphaned Children |
Makarova L.N., Latyshev O.Yu. |
One of the most logical and expected directions of orphaned children socialization through the means of tourist activity is geography and local region study. These subjects are not only a source of knowledge crucial for an introduction into the topic of tourism, but also a way of creating an atmosphere of romanticism and curiosity towards the children’s native country and love for their local region. |
Keywords: geography, tourism, exercise, tourist activities, upbringing, local region study, socialization.
P. 150-161
Formation of Methodical Skills in Future Mathematics Teachers During the Process of Studying Mathematical Disciplines |
Kapkaeva L.S. |
The article substantiates the need for the formation of methodical skills in pedagogical institute students during the process of studying mathematical disciplines. Through the example of mathematical analysis, the author reveals the contents of the methodical preparation of future mathematics teachers during lectures, workshops and independent work. |
Keywords: Educational activities, training and educational activities, methodical skills, methodical preparation, math analysis, tests.
P. 162–170 |
Artistic Means in Teaching as a Way of Integrating Moral and Spiritual Education in the School Subject of Social Science |
Korosteleva A.A. |
This article reveals the possibilities of using artistic means of education as a part of the school subject of social science not only for the purpose of increasing its educational significance, but also for a successful integration of moral and spiritual values into the process of teaching the subject. Among the evaluated artistic means of education are symbols, illustrations, literary fiction and biblical texts, color palette, literary characters.
Keywords: moral and spiritual education, integration, artistic means of education, symbol, literary text, literary character, illustrations, ICT. |
P. 171–186 |
Strategic Basis of Unfamiliar Word Identification by Elementary School Students |
Babina G.V., Pankratova N.S. |
The article is devoted to the strategies of unfamiliar word identification in the process of reading. The answers of children with normal and impaired speech development are analyzed. |
Keywords: strategies of identification, unfamiliar words, reading, impaired speech development. |
P. 187–193 |
On the Results of the Russian Reading Association Project “Reading that Unites Us” |
Ermolenko V.A., Smetannikova N.N. |
This article presents the results of theRussianproject“Reading that Unites Us”, conducted by the Russian Reading Association between March 25 and April 25, 2013 in the form of an online survey. Expert analysis of the project results was provided based on different reading groups, including children, teenagers, adults (both professional and unprofessional society), which allowed to determine the most popular books among these groups. The article also provides the conclusions based on these results, which were made by the participants of the Third International Scientific and Practical Conference of the Russian Reading Association “Reading and Literacy in Culture and Education. What and How We Read Today: Challenges of the 20th Century”. |
Keywords: reading, project, readers, book cluster, teacher, reading teaching methods, children and parents, united reading. |
P. 194–199 |
Culturosociology and the Meaning of Social Life |
Lanin B.A. |
P. 200–205 |
Magazin «National and Foreign Pedagogy» No 4(13) 2013
P. 206-207