№ 6-2013
Public Talk President and Academician of the RAE, Doctor of science in philology, Professor Verbitskaya Lyudmila Alekseyevna at the 70th anniversary ceremony of the Russian Academy of Education |
P. 5–11
A Unified History Textbook: Pedagogical Aspects of the Problem |
Vyazemsky E.E. |
This article analyzes the pedagogical aspects of preparing unified history textbooks and the priorities of national educational policy pertaining to general history education. The author also summarizes the discussions of the unified history textbook problem and formulates promising approaches to creating copyrighted textbooks on the basis of the unified conception. |
Keywords: educational policy, the New Methodical and Educational National History Complex project, the Historical and Cultural Standard project (HCS).
P. 12–21
Variative Forms of Providing Accessibility to High-Quality Preschool Education |
Boguslavskaya T.N. |
This article examines variative forms of accessibility to preschool education in Russia and the main ways of providing high-quality preschool education. The author presents the typology of variative forms of providing access to high-quality preschool education. |
Keywords: educational system, variative education, preschool education, accessibility to preschool education, quality of preschool education, management of education development.
P. 22-30
Humanistic Values as a Basis and Purpose of an Individual’s Education |
Deryuga V.E. |
The article analyses the role of humanistic values in an individual’s development. The author reveals the complex, contradictory nature of educational values, their antinomy and possible distortions. The hierarchy and the main formation criteria of humanistic values in education are presented in the article. |
Keywords: the human being, upbringing, education, humanism, values, nature, culture, creation, destruction.
P. 31–40 |
Artistic Education as a Basis of School Cultural Existence |
Aliev Yu.B. |
This article analyzes the problem of artistic education in school as an important component of the development of a national cultural code. Examined are the questions of artistic education in school and the roles of different types of art in the formation of aesthetic views of the students. Modern didactic contradictions that arise during the process of the students’ acquaintance with art are analyzed and ways and means of the students’ immersion into artistic culture are proposed. |
Keywords: artistic education in school, national cultural code, artistic education didactics, ways and means of students’ immersion in art.
P. 41-47
Content of School Education as a Component of V.A. Sukhomlynsky’s Teaching System
Pyrozhenko L.V. |
The article analyzes different approaches to selection and actualization of school educational content in Sukhomlynsky's pedagogical heritage and in the teaching process in Pavlyshska secondary school, which he was a head of. |
Keywords: artistic education in school, national cultural code, artistic education didactics, ways and means of students’ immersion in art. |
P. 48–56 |
History of Education and Pedagogical Thought in S.V. Rozhdestvensky’s Works |
Fedotova I.B. |
The article proves and grounds the statement that S.V. Rozhdestvensky is the first Russian professional historian of pedagogics of the late 19th – early 20th centuries. The author reveals the merits and values of his fundamental work “Essays on the History of the Public Education System in Russia in the 18th-19th centuries”, in which the research was based on the study of archive sources for the first time in Russian history. |
Keywords: history of pedagogics as a science, archive sources, educational direction, evolution of educational institutions, course for historic and pedagogical research professionalism, characteristics of pedagogical systems. |
P. 57–63 |
V.V. Makaev’s Teaching Ideas
Lyakhov A.V., Suprunova L.L |
The article describes the ideas of Professor V.V. Makaev, the positive aspects of his educational thought that helped improve learning, teaching and educational potential. |
Keywords: historical and pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical culture, internalization, humanity, human values, social and cultural development. |
P. 64–69 |
Declaration of Love
Davydenko V.A., Yudina N.P. |
In this article the author examines the life journey and the scientific contribution of L.A.Stepashko – a talented researcher and outstanding teacher that made an important contribution to Pedagogics.l. |
Keywords: history of pedagogics and education, L.A. Stepashko, subjectivity, activity, talent. |
P. 70–77 |
Providing Information Security as a Problem of National School Education in the Conditions of Information Society |
Kondratenko E.L., Prokudin D.E. |
This article analyzes the main dangers of information society, which influences the sociocultural adaptation, development and education of younger generations. The author outlines the main solutions to the problem of providing information security as one of the components of individual information culture, which must be formed through the development of cultural policy and interaction between institutes of education, culture, civil society and patents. |
Keywords: education system, upbringing, information society, information and communication technology, internet, information culture, information security.
P. 78–84
Formation of Sensible Reading Skills during the Secondary School Learning Process |
Dinerstein E.E. |
The article examines some aspects of the problem of text understanding among modern school students and ways of improving the sensible reading educationalmethods. The author presents the results of the research and practical application of these methods. |
Keywords: reading motivation, stage-by-stage, educational methods, textbook, vocabulary,scientific terminology, conceptual apparatus.
P. 85–96 |
French for University Purposes (FOU) |
Sheypak S.A. |
Since 2009 a new didactic concept of teaching foreign language named “French for University Purposes” is being developed in France. This article describes the stages of its development and methods of teaching French to foreign students using approaches based on the analysis of their academic goals and professional needs. To develop this new concept efficiently the author suggests that Russian teachers should be actively involved in theoretical and practical research in this field by taking advantage of the expertise contained in the “English for Academic Purposes” course that has been in development for the last 20 years. |
Keywords: French for university purposes,French for specific purposes, English for academic purposes, students’ needs, competences. |
P. 97–107 |
Students’ Perception and Assessment of Interactive Teaching Methods |
Lomakina O.V. |
The article is devoted to the students’ perception and assessment of interactive teaching methods. For this purpose, a survey was conducted among first-year students of the Barnaul branch of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. The author analyzes the students’ view of the virtues and shortcomings of traditional and interactive teaching methods. Based on the analysis, it is concluded that the learning process should combine both traditional and interactive methods. |
Keywords: teaching methods, interactive teaching methods, learning process, group discussions, business games, interactive lectures. |
P. 108–111 |
Expressions with a Center of Intonation not in the Terminal Syntagmatic Position in a Foreign Audience |
Kirzhanova S.V. |
This article analyzes the problems of teaching foreign students how to understand and intone expressions with a center of intonation not at the last word of the syntagma. The author proposes a classification of such expressions and ways to work with them. |
Keywords: expression, relevant reading, intonation construction, center of intonation, linear intonation structure, thematic syntagmas, rhematic syntagma, rheme focus, theme focus, word order, teaching intonation. |
P. 112–118 |
Education in Post-Industrial Society |
Oreshkinа A.K. |
The article summarizes the results of the «Education in Post-Industrial Society» conference, (2 December 2013). The memoirs of the employees, friends, students and followers of A. M. Novikov as well as an evaluation of the scientific heritage of the academician and the relevance of the problem of his research are presented in the article. |
Keywords: pedagogue, teacher, theory of education,modern methodology, types of activity, national education, succession of the system of continuous learning. |
P. 119–124 |
V.A. Suhomlinsky’s “I Give My Heart to Children”: Potential for a New Reading |
Boguslavsky M.V. |
P. 125–129 |
Friedrikh Gorenshtein Returns |
Lanin B.A. |
P. 130–138 |
Magazin «National and Foreign Pedagogy» No 6(15) 2013 |
P. 139-141