№ 2-2013
Organizing Academic Assessment Monitoring throughout the World: NAPLAN – the National Assessment Program in Australia |
Valdman I.A. |
The article examines the main elements of the NAPLAN national assessment program in Australia. These elements include identification of achievement levels, introduction of a multilevel assessment scale, tracing of individual school student progress, comparison of test results in schools serving students from statistically similar backgrounds, school profile based on assessment result for the community. |
Keywords: monitoring of student achievements, national assessment, assessment of the quality of education, testing, achievement levels, assessment scale, individual progress, presentation of assessment results.
P. 5–18
The Methodological Outline of Experimental Didactics |
Perminova L.M. |
The goal of this article is to define a methodological outline of experimental didactics, determine its philosophical basis in light of the modern scientific outlook. The field of didactics is showing new trends and a sense of direction in its theoretical and applied aspects in new essential connections, which allow for enriching didactic knowledge, and provide a new interpretation of the established scientific body of didactics. Among the emerging problems is a group of questions dealing with didactic experimentation, more generally – the instrumental field of didactics – experimental didactics.
Keywords: levels of scientific knowledge, scientific method, structure, methodology, didactics, experiment, experimental didactics, methodological outline of experimental didactics. |
P. 19–30 |
The General School Teacher and the School Subject Program: Areas of Mutual Responsibility
Strelova O.Yu. |
This article analyzes the key questions related to school teacher training according to new educational standards (FSES BSE). How is the base secondary education content formed and presented through the unity of pedagogical theory and practice: from the core fundamental contents of base secondary education to programs, textbooks and individual class plans of school teachers? How can history teachers (along with teachers of other subjects) take part in preparation of school programs in order to fully realize the educational potential of the second generation standards?
Keywords: FSES BSE (second generation standards); general educational program of base secondary education; school subject program examples; history work program; extended subject planning. |
P. 31–38 |
Heuristic Methods of Work with Historico-Pedagogical Sources |
Marchukova S.M. |
The article deals with methodological principles for development of heuristic methods of work with historico-pedagogical sources. It expounds the methodological principles of three heuristic methods of work with the pedagogical heritage of J.A. Komenský lying within the framework of: modern system research in pedagogy; new interpretation of P.G. Schedrovitsky's pedagogical formations theory; the «open work» theory by U. Eco. |
Keywords: heuristic methods, pedagogical heritage of J.A. Komenský, system research, pedagogical formations, U. Eco's «open work» theory. |
P. 39–53 |
The Forming of Pedagogical Potential in Moscow during the First Third of the 19th Century |
Kudryashev А.V. |
The article describes different kinds of schools in Moscow in the first third of the XIX century. The author presents detailed descriptions of secondary school activities at Moscow University (University noble boarding-school). The article also presents characteristics of trade and girls’ education development. |
Keywords: Moscow University, gymnasium, Business College, University noble boarding-school,Moscow Girls’ College of Saint Ekaterina Order.
P. 54–64 |
Realization of the State Educational Policy in Russia in the Second Half of the 19th and the Beginning of the 20th Century |
Allagulov A.M. |
The article explores the realization process of the state educational policy in Russia in the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century through the interaction of two political and educational paradigms – conservative and liberal. |
Keywords: historical political and pedagogical experience, state educational policy, political and educational paradigm, theory of classical education, evolutionary and reformatory course. |
P. 65–71 |
John Dewey’s Unrealized Dream |
Rogacheva E.Y.
The paper is devoted to the outstanding thinker of the 20th Century – John Dewey (1859–1952). An author of about 1000 works in different fields of science, “the teacher of teachers” John Dewey was devoted to the ideals of democratic education throughout his whole life. The content of the paper is based on the archives of Chicago University (examined during Carnegie Corporation Grant) and gives a chance to appreciate Dewey’s civic mission and contribution to world science. Dewey’s educational projects are analyzed and special attention is paid to his unrealized dream – a book he wasn’t able to finish. |
Keywords: John Dewey’s scientific legacy, the reformer in the field of education,” the teacher of teachers”, J. Dewey’s “Columbian period”, unrealized dream.
P. 72–81 |
Can Modern Time Educational Institutions Interact with Youth Associations Successfully? |
Belyaev G.Yu. |
The article discusses the problem of developing socially productive interaction of social institutions and educational institutions with youth associations, prospects consideration of this issue in terms of public safety and the social positioning of modern youth. Understanding the socio-cultural forms, standards and contexts for socialization and education is extremely important in order to develop an adequate socio-pedagogical position in assessing the risks and constraints, as well as searching for forms of dialogue and constructive social partnership with youth organizations. |
Keywords: youth, youth groups, youth community, youth society, interaction, informal youth associations, interaction, educational institutions, organizations, associations, movements.
P. 82–94 |
Innovative Activity of a Teacher in Working out a Work Program in the Conditions of Federal State Educational Standards |
Titova N.S. |
The author presents the practical experience in applying the new teacher’s methodical toolkit for working out a work program, aimed at achieving desirable results in the conditions of new educational standards.
Keywords: educational - methodical set, pedagogical technology, project card, a set of technological cards (atlas of technological cards), algorithm of a teacher’s educational activity. |
P. 95–103 |
Educational Role of Library Museums |
Poloudin V.A. |
The article reveals the educational value of existing library museums, the history of the development of museums and libraries, their positive influence on the cultural development of the population. The author proposes a structure for modern educational centers, and the goals and objectives of their creation. In conclusion, a proposition of creating a museum at the Ushinsky State Scientific Pedagogical Library is made. |
Keywords: general education, additional education, chess education, library museums, museum-libraries. |
P. 104–113 |
Important Problems in Teaching Russian Language to Students with Speech Disorders and Their Possible Solutions |
Almazova A.A. |
The article discusses the specifics of Russian language teaching to school children with speech disorders of different degree; the author analyzes the problems which students with speech disorders face in mainstream schools while studying different units of the Russian language course. The author suggests the ways of solving these problems based on the synthesis of lingvo-methodical and special correctional approaches. |
Keywords: school children with speech and language disorders, teaching Russian language, school speech therapist, collaboration of the speech therapist and the teacher, difficulties of Russian language learning.
P. 114–122 |
Problems in Teaching and Correction of Oral Language Skills in School Children with Speech Disorders |
Almazova A.A., Shibanova A.A.
The article presents experimental data concerning the state of oral language skills of primary school children with different speech disorders. The authors analyze talking and auding mechanisms and their interaction; the main parameters of the functional disorders of these mechanisms are described. |
Keywords: speech disorders, oral speech, language skills, talking, auding, primary school children.
P. 123–131 |
Importance of Sensory Training in Working with Children with Dysphasia |
Lynskaya M.I. |
The article describes several mechanisms of diagnosis and speech therapy in children with dysphasia from a psychophysiological and psycholinguistic point of view. Special attention is paid to the importance of the development of tactile, gustatory and olfactory perception – the basis for the formation of motivational and motosensory levels of speech activity. |
Keywords: dysphasia, afferent synthesis, olfactory-taste-verbal associations, motosensory levels of speech activity, methods of diagnosis and correction of dysphasia. |
P. 132–140 |
Learning of the Text-forming Function of Word Combination in Elementary School Students with a Delay in Mental Development |
Tusheva E.S. |
The article explores the possibilities of learning the text-forming function of word combination in elementary school students with a delay in mental development. On the basis of the linguistic and psycholinguistic concepts developed in the syntax theory, the author presents methodical techniques and examples of observed transformation of word combination models. |
Keywords: correctional developing training, elementary school students with a delay in mental development, learning of the word-forming function of word combination, structural and semantic modification of word combinations.
P. 141–151
Typology of Dysorthography in General School Students |
Sharipova N.Yu. |
This article discusses the problems of learning the orthography of the native (Russian) language in school students. The author analyzes traditional and modern linguistic and psycho-educational research on this subject. Also, the author presents the typology of spelling errors, which are identified in general school students,which greatly expands the possibilities of overcoming dysorthography. |
Keywords: orthography, dysorthography, difficulties of mastering orthography, difficulties of application of spelling rules, principles of Russian orthography.
P. 152–159
Analysis of Speech Development in Bilingual Children |
Kharenkova A.V. |
The article explores the aspects of positive and negative influence of bilingualism on speech development in children. Furthermore, the article analyzes the ways of learning the native language in children with normal speech development and those with speech disorders. The most common speech and language difficulties for bilingual children are described. |
Keywords: normal speech development, speech disorders, the errors of bilingual children (through the Russian language example).
P. 160–167 |
The Problems of Differentiation in the Correction of the Phonetic Aspect of Speech in Children with Systemic Speech Disorders |
Bogatyreva A.O. |
The author tries to identify the characteristics of development and mutual influence of the components of the phonetic aspect of speech; describes the process of creation and testing of an effective system of correctional care. Furthermore, the author presents a comprehensive research and comparison of the different components of the phonetic aspect of speech in preschool children 3–7 years of age with systemic speech disorders. |
Keywords: components of the phonetic aspect of speech, children with systemic speech disorders.
P. 168–175 |
Staff and Faculty – The Decision Makers in Education?! |
Naydenova N.N. |
This article is a review of the main topics discussed at the conference "Trends of Development in Education." Some of the reports are presented in detail. Among the topics are the following: professional standard, quality of teaching, reforms throughout the world, education management, successful teacher. |
Keywords: pedagogical education, teacher qualification, professional standard, successful teacher. |
P. 176–185 |
A Book on Morality, Politics and the New Man |
Lanin B.A. |
Book review: Leon Aron. Roads to the Temple. Truth, Memory, Ideas, and Ideals in the Making of the Russian Revolution, 1987–1991. – Yale University Press, 2012. – 483 p. |
P. 186–187 |
Magazin «National and Foreign Pedagogy» № 1(10) 2013
Magazin «National and Foreign Pedagogy» № 2(11) 2013
P. 188-191