№ 4-2015
Innovative instruction in adult education |
Klarin M. V. |
The article presents analysis of learning practices in adult education (andragogy), including phenomena that can be called ‘unidentified educational objects’. The author explores changes in the learner as ‘subject’ of education, and implications for adult education. The article highlights the issue of conceptualizing the process of education as acquiring and generating individual and collective experience.
andragogy, adult education, collective learner, innovative education, transformative learning, community of practice.
P. 5–27
University developing in the context of globalization |
Neborskiy E. V. |
The article deals with the term of globalization and various approaches to the phenomenon of globalization. The article presents main threats that the university face during last decades in connection with intensification of globalization process. Among them, there are such points as competition increase at the education market, developing of such phenomenon as academic capitalism, the changes in labor market outlines, and identity challenge.
globalization, university, academic capitalism, competition, labor market, identity.
P. 28–38 |
The training of teachers for lower and secondary vocational educational institutions in Russia in the late XIX – early XX century (on the materials of books on technical and vocational education, 1896–1905)
Goncharov M. A. |
The article discloses the problem of training teachers for lower and secondary vocational educational institutions. Basing upon the materials “Books on technical and vocational education” the author focuses on the issues of the quantity of teaching staff of vocational schools, the level of their training, a class structure, financial position and status. Special attention is paid to the shortcomings in the organization of educational process and in teaching methods.
vocational education, lower and secondary educational institutions, teaching staff, trade and commercial schools, textbooks and manuals.
P. 39–51
Development and realization of variable strategies for modernization of the soviet education system (1917–1930)
Boguslavskiy M. V. |
The article updates scientific and creative potential of various strategies for modernization of the Soviet education in 1917–1930.
strategic foundations of education, education reform, modernization of education, the Soviet education system.
P. 52–64 |
Structure of social and cultural space of Russia and education |
Bulkin A. P., Shabanova V. P. |
The article reveals a complex of interconnections and interdependences (defined as a type of culture or a cultural system) based on the predominant value at a definite period of history. All in all there were five complexes in the historical and cultural process of our country in IX –XXI centuries and there were definite systems of education which corresponded to each of them.
education, culture, values, pedagogical law of cultural congruity, system, history of the Russian education.
P. 65–73
On constructive and technical function of didactics |
Osmolovskaya I. M. |
Constructive and technical function of didactics is considered in article as modeling of didactic objects. The author considers models of real, due, hierarchy of didactic systems and models. The basic model of process of educating and its transformation are shown as they apply to different terms. Static and dynamic models are distinguished.
didactics, constructive and technical function of didactics, didactic models, projects, programmes, systems.
P. 74–87
Dinamics of the school art education: from mimesis to catharsis |
Aliev Yu. |
This article analyzes the optimal path of initiation of modern students to the art lessons cycle. The author insists on the following sequence of the process of mastering the foundations of art: from mimesis(understanding of artistic creation as an attempt to imitate nature and social reality) to catharsis (as the quest to achieve the ennobling and exalting impact of art on the young person).
art education of schoolchildren, Mimesis, catharsis as categories, activating the process of initiation to the arts.
P. 88–97 |
Zankov’s system: new opportunities (upon the example of musical professional organization of the general education)
Perminova L. M. |
Innovative character of L. V. Zankov’s didactic system under the condition of the impending stagnation of the Soviet social institutions in 1970-s, including education, turned out to be the claim for the opportunity to overcome risk situations in the development of the Soviet school. However, antagonisms of theoretical and practical character hampered innovative renovation of school. The necessity of innovative development of the professional organizations of the general education, modern didactic elaboration allow solving certain problems of methodological, theoretical and practical character, connected with the application of L. V. Zankov’s system.
L. V. Zankov’s didactic system, theoretical and constructive-technical function of didactics, general (from the 1st to the 11th form) professional organization, didactic model.
P. 98–111 |
Design in the educational space of a kindergarten (design of an artistic development program)
Lykova I. A. |
The article reveals the essence and specificity of design as a modern art. The value and location of design activities in early childhood education is shown. Pedagogical model of introducing children to the design is proposed. The author formulates targets and objectives and indicates the fundamental principle of designing the content design activities in the educational program of the kindergarten. The article highlights connection between children’s design and developmental design object-spatial environment. Examples of design projects (art salon) are given based on the author’s educational program.
design, design activities, children’s art, design, design art, culture, the principle of cultural conformity, developing object-spatial environment, art work, artistic and aesthetic development.
P. 112–120 |
Strategy and priorities of the state educational policy development (1917–1930)
Milovanov K. Yu.
The article deals with the historical experience of education reform in 1917–1930. The author analyzes the strategies and priorities of development of the state educational policy in this period.
state educational policy in 1917–1930, strategy, reform in education, principles of educational policy, modernization of education, Soviet system of education.
P. 121–137
Without breaking traditions
Sukhodimtseva A. P.
This scientific information article describes the 13th International Conference “Continuous Education: Lifelong Learning for Sustainable Development”.
lifelong learning, sustainable development, social education, educational space.
P. 138-145 |