№ 6-2014
M.Y. Lermontov in Art and Literature |
Dyomin V.P. |
The article characterizes M.Y. Lermontov’s course of life in the context of Russian culture. |
Keywords: M.Y. Lermontov, Lermontov encyclopedia, Lermontov studies. |
P. 5–14
The Typology of Primary School Educational Literature (Experimental Formalized Database development) |
Kosheleva O.E. |
The article proposes a new approach in educational literature research that is based on quantitative methods. The author assumes that primary school educational literature is best suitable for comparative studies as it always has a dual goal – to educate and instill moral values in students. The author also singles out information clusters that will form the database. Theycanbefoundintheappendix. |
Keywords: primers, primary school textbooks, typology, databases, comparative studies. |
P. 15–23 |
16th Century Polish Primer: Prayer Book, Catechism, Compilation of Maxims |
Korzo M.A. |
The article describes the main types of 16th century Polish primer models: the first one was only intended to teach children to recognize the letters of the alphabet, the second one – to teach them readings skills. Primers were published both as separate brochures and as part of catechisms, prayer books or Bible text editions. A characteristic feature of the early modern primers of in confessions was a combination of grammatical material with a large selection of religious texts.A comparison of those selections allows one to specify four models, which dominatedin 16th century Poland.The earliest one is the so-called liturgical model and the model of the medieval parish catechetical instruction.The Reformation led to the creation of two more models: primers, which followed the Small Catechism of Martin Luther and primers arranged in the genre of „Spruchbücher“. In the 17th and 18th centuries, textbooks, which imitated the model of the medieval parish catechetical instruction, prevailed. |
Keywords: Poland, 16th century, primers,alphabets,primer catechism andits variants. |
P. 24–37 |
Golden Treasure of 16th Century Children’s Literature: Small Catechism of Martin Luther |
Polyakova M.A. |
The article analyses Martin Luther’s Small Catechism, written for the purpose of teaching the basics of the Christian faith to children and servants. The author discusses the history of the catechism, its early versions and names. Since its appearance in Germany the Small Catechism was also used as a school textbook due to its accessible and convenient form and the use of visual material. In addition, Luther’s Small Catechism was included in the list of required textbooks in many German schools. |
Keywords: The Reformation, the printing press, the catechism, the Large Catechism, the Small Catechism (Kleiner Katechismus),the Christian doctrine, the Ten Commandments, sermon, didactic teaching principles, vocation (Beruf). |
P. 38–52 |
On “The Dialogues” of Juan Luis Vives – Latin Language Practice |
Revyakina N.V. |
The Dialogues, written by Juan Luis Vives in 1539, were widely popular and have run through nearly 50 editions in half a century. The work can, in a way, be viewed as a textbook, which the students used to master the Latin language. In contrast with the “Colloquies” of Erasmus of Rotterdam, which constitute lengthy narratives touching on various everyday-life topics, Vives’ concise dialogues concentrate on situations that mainly concern school life. The author presents her own translation of “The Dialogues”.
Keywords: textbook, Juan Luis Vives, humanistic pedagogics of the Renaissance. |
P. 53–76 |
A Few Aspects of Primary Reading Education in USA: Books and Textbooks |
Zolotukhina M.V. |
Using several examples this article examines how teaching literacy and reading has changed over the course of US history: from early primers to the system of textbooks, special reading-level books and a large body of children’s literature. Whereas in the past, teaching materials were predominantly of religious and moralistic nature, the main principle for non-religious editions today is celebrating diversity, gender and racial equality and affirming ideas such as “I Can Read and I Enjoy Reading». |
Keywords: USA, childhood, reading, literacy, primers, textbooks, gender. |
P. 77–105 |
Traditional Mongolian Primers (Late 16th – Early 20th Centuries) |
Tsendina A.D. |
The article explores the traditional Mongolian primers of the late 16th – early 20th centuries, written in Mongolian and Tibetan, using the Soyombo and the 'Phags-pa scripts. The author provides a description of the form, structure, principles of written language analysis, terminological basis and functionality of the primers. |
Keywords: primer, alphabet, written language, Mongolian language. |
P. 106–118 |
Russian Language Textbooks for Foreigners in Late 17th, Early 18th Centuries: Addressees and Linguomethodologic Foundations |
Vlasov S.V., Moskovkin L.V. |
The article examines Russian language textbooks for foreigners, published at the end of the 17th – beginning of the 18th centuries and written by H.W. Ludolf, E. Kopiewitz, V.E. Adodurov, M. Schwanwitz and anonymous “Grammaire Francoise et Russe…” (1730). These textbooks differ by their destination, instructional content, possible Russian language teaching techniques, addressee and their underlying linguo methodologic bases. |
Keywords: textbooks, Russian as a foreign language, teaching beginners, 18th century. |
P. 119–127 |
The Children’s Textbook Genesis in the History of the Russian Thought and Educational Practice of the Mid-19th – Early 20th Centuries
Repina N.I. |
The article defines the role of the progressive leaders of pedagogics and methodologists – N.F.Bunakov, V.I. Vodovozov, A.Y.Gerd, A.G.Obodovskyin developing the content of textbooks for children, which included knowledge of nature and society, as well as innovative knowledge about teamwork and collaboration. |
Keywords: genesis of textbooks for children, periodization, anthology collection, «the author's book». |
P. 128–134 |
Interrelation of Text and Visuals in Russian School Textbooks of the Late 19th – Early 20th Centuries |
Romashina E.Y. |
Currently a cognitive style that focuses on a visual information processing strategy is actively being formed among the youth. This process requires a modernization of the methods and mechanisms of knowledge translation. In a modern textbook, the relationshipof text and visual components should be different. A significant array of textbooks of the late 19th and early 20th centuries is analyzed by the author. It was a period of humanity's transitionfrom the book culture to the visualone. Various systems of interrelation between visuals and text are explored through the example of primary school textbooks. The factors affecting the formation of such systems are identified. |
Keywords:textbook, cognitive style, text, visuals. |
P. 135–148 |
Yevgeniya Solovyeva – A Primary School Methodologist |
Kabasheva O.V. |
The article examines the life and work of Y.Y. Solovyeva, a primary school Russian language methodologist and author of speech development textbooks. The author of the article also presents her biography and work bibliography. |
Keywords: primary school, Russian language, teaching grammar, reading, speech development, biography, bibliography, textbooks, Y.Y. Solovyeva. |
P. 149–175 |
Foreign language for Internal Consumption: Image of “The Other” in English Textbooks in 1945-1956 |
Mayofis M.L. |
This article explores the ways the “Other” (in this case, a foreigner) was represented in the Soviet foreign language textbooks of the late Stalinist period (1945-56). The author analyses three “lines” of textbooks: the first one being designed for seven-year schools and high schools, the second – for specialized language schools and the third one – for urban schools where the study of foreign languages started in the 3rd grade, two years earlier than in common schools. |
Keywords: Soviet school, foreign language, English as a foreign language, image of the “Other”, ideological indoctrination, World War II. |
P. 176–200
Stages of the Creation of Literary Reading Program and Textbooks (Based on 2000s Experience) |
Matveeva E.I. |
The article presents the experience of creating a textbook for literary reading for primary schools. It gives a detailed account of the stages of the creation process, characterizes the principles, theoretical program cycles, selection criteria for contents in accordance with the goal of forming a competent reader. |
Keywords: literary reading, forming a competent reader, dialogue orientation, genre specifics, syntagmatic reading method, criteria of expressive reading, creativity.
P. 201–218 |
L.S. Vygotsky’s Defectology: The World through a Clown’s Eyes |
Semenova Y.A. |
The article examines the phenomenon of the “seven years old” crisis. The author presents her point of view regarding the crisis and analyses L.S. Vygotsky’s view of it. The author contends that only by the age of seven, when hardships (physiological, social, and mental) surround children, are they able to express the diverse traits of a clown. |
Keywords: humorous introspection, carnival introspection, antibehavior, “seven years old” crisis, clown crisis, defectology, art psychology, carnival forms of art, carnival behavior, clown mask, metanormal behavior, anomalous child, trickster, postmodernism, comical, laughter status, jester, preschool students, L.S. Vygotsky. |
P. 219–235 |
“Role of Primary School Textbook in History of Education and Culture” International Conference |
Romashina E.Y. |
The article is a review of the international conference “The Beginnings of Teaching Children: Role of Primary School Textbook in History of Education and Culture”, which took place on October 8-12, 2014. The conference, organized by the Institute of Strategy and Theory of Education of the RAE, the Ushinsky State Scientific Pedagogical Library and the Russian State University of Humanitites, became in itself a fact of Russian education historiography. |
Keywords: conference, the Beginnings of Teaching Children, primary education, primary school textbook, Institute of Strategy and Theory of Education, Ushinsky State Scientific Pedagogical Library. |
P. 236–255 |
“James Arthur Heard and the Education of the Poor in Russia” by James Muckle |
Tsapenko A.M. |
The author presents a review of the book written by James Mukle – a British professor and a teacher of Russian. The book under the name «James Arthur Heard and the education of the poor in Russia» is devoted to the description of the life of James Arthur Heard (1798 - 1875), who came to Russia from England, was given a Russian name Yakov Ivanovich Gerd and became one of the most prominent teachers of the Russian language. The book was published in Great Britain in 2013 at the Bramcote Press publishing house. |
Keywords: review, Heard, mutual instruction method, Bell and Lancaster method, education of the poor, history of Russia, history of the Russian-British relations. |
P. 256–262
The World of Childhood and Primers of Eastern Germany |
Levinson K.A. |
This review characterizes a book devoted to primers in Socialist Germany, written by a researcher at the Würzburg University. |
Keywords: review, primer, child, primary education, Germany, Stürmer. |
P. 263–266
Magazin «National and Foreign Pedagogy» № 5(20) 2014 |
P. 267–268