№ 3-2014
Objectives of the Academy at the New Stage of Development
Verbitskaya L.A.
P. 5–13
Teacher as an Object of Anthropological Reflection in K.D. Ushinsky’s Theoretical Heritage
Lidak L.V.
The article examines the tendencies of anthropological reflection in a teacher’s professional activity and personality. The peculiarities of psychological and anthropological training of teachers are analyzed. The ideas of national traditions and national spirit of education are considered. The fundamental ideas of K.D. Ushinsky’s pedagogical anthropology are analyzed with regard to the modern situation in educational practice.
Keywords: cultural-historical approach, pedagogical anthropology, teacher’s professional skills, methodology, anthropology, anthropocentrism, reflection, national traditions of education, national spirit. |
P. 14–21 |
K.D. Ushinsky and the Age of Great Reformation in Russia (Exploring the Beginnings of Russian Education Modernization)
Milovanov K.Y.
The article is devoted to the research of social views and reformist ideas of the great Russian teacher K.D. Ushinsky.
Keywords: K.D. Ushinsky, Age of Great Reforms, reforms in education, principles of educational policy, modernization of education. |
P. 22–28 |
“Choral Singing – How Powerful a Tool in Pedagogics!” (K.D. Ushinsky about Artistic Education)
Aliev Y.B.
The article examines the artistic didactic aspect of K.D. Ushinsky’s publications and shows that in his principal works “The Russian Word” and “human Being as a Subject of Education” he expressed the notion that education through artistic means is an essential factor in developing the “human in a human being”. Also explored are the questions of musical education and choral singing which Ushinsky also worked on.
Keywords: Ushinsky’s didactic conception, questions of introduction into arts in Ushinsky’s works, musical education, choral work with children, activity oriented artistic education of school children, educational potential of introduction into arts in Ushinsky’s works.
P. 29–36 |
Ideas of Labour Education in K.D. Ushinsky’s Pedagogical System and their Development in the Works of M.N. Skatkin
Zanaev S.Z.
The article examines the views of K.D. Ushinsky on the significance of labor in upbringing, social and psychological formation of the younger generations. The continuation and development of these ideas in the scientific and pedagogical heritage and activity of M.N. Skatkin is also explored.
Keywords: labour upbringing, socio-psychological significance of labour, polytechnic education.
P. 37–44 |
Modern K.D. Ushinsky on the National Character of Upbringing
Gontarenko Z.N.
The article explores the relevance of the ideas of K.D. Ushinsky, who objected to borrowing foreign educational and upbringing principles. The author appeals to Ushinsky’s ideas about national character of upbringing and considers if the search for a national basis of upbringing is necessary in modern Russia.
Keywords: national principle, national system of upbringing, patriarchal traditions.
P. 45–51 |
Priceless Contribution of K.D. Ushinsky to the Creation of Russian National Educational Literature
Indrisova R.A.
The article describes the contribution of K.D. Ushinsky to pedagogical science, to the progressive reformist transformation of the Russian national school, to the creation of the first textbooks of the new type, which became the standard for elementary school Russian language textbooks for decades.
Keywords: people`s school, books of the new type, educational literature, founder, pioneer, scientific pedagogy, children’s educational literature, teacher and philosopher.
P. 52–58 |
Influence of Pedagogical Ideas of K.D. Ushinsky on Teaching Mathematics
Kondratyeva G.V.
The article explores the most important ways K.D. Ushinsky’s ideas influenced teaching of mathematics. |
Keywords: K.D. Ushinsky, teaching of mathematics, arithmetics method, geometry method, fusionism.
P. 59–65 |
Science Policy and Capitalization of Knowledge in the Russian Academy of Education: Formation of a Scientific Strategy, Evaluation and Promotion of Research results
Novoselova S.Y.
This article examines the problem of forming a scientific strategy, evaluation and promotion of research results of modern scientific organizations on the example of the Russian Academy of Education. The author analyzes the characteristics of the state science policy, reveals and substantiates the necessity of managing intellectual property and the results of intellectual activity of modern scientific organizations. On the basis of this study, the author formulates the basic characteristics of the capitalization of scientific knowledge and research results promotion.
Keywords: science policy, scientific strategy, information technology and information resource management,capitalization of scientific knowledge and the promotion of research results.
P. 66–90 |
Basics of Realization of Educational Potential of Social Studies
Korosteleva A.A.
The article is devoted to the problem of realization of educational potential of social studies, and determines the conditions and directions of the actualization of this process.
Keywords: education, educational potential, educational direction, polyculturalism, tolerance.
P. 91–99 |
Professional Problems of a School Teacher in Germany
Pisareva L.I.
The article deals with the main problems of the teacher’s profession in Germany, the ways of overcoming stressful situations and large productive load. It also examines the different types of student motivation for choosing their future professional activity in the field of school education.
Keywords: profession, teacher, motivation, investigation, pedagogical education, social status.
P. 100–110 |
The Concept of a Systemic Technological Approach to the Optimization of School Physics Textbook Content |
Mashinyan A.A., Kochergina N.V. |
Based on documented historical and content-cognitive analysis, the article identifies the major contradictions and problems of the modern physics course content in Russia. The article also suggests ways to overcome them in accordance with the recent adoption of the Federal Law on Education and the Federal State Educational Standards of primary and secondary education. The authors formulate the didactic principle of cognitive construction of the content of education. The main concepts of the systemic and technological approach to optimizing the content of physical education are defined, while the shortcomings and ways of optimizing the working conditions of a physics teacher are revealed.
Keywords: systemic and technological approach, content optimization of the school physics course, cognitive educational technology, cognitive psychological and pedagogical barriers, principle of cognitive construction of the content of education, periods of mental development of schoolchildren, documented-historical analysis, analysis of systemic activity, cognitive analysis of the content of educational materials, cognitive and technological method of a propaedeutic harmonization and didactic justification of content, working conditions of physics teachers, attestation of teachers, indicators of qualification and professionalism of teachers. |
P. 111–128 |
Development Perspectives of the Scientific and Educational Information Resources Based on Open Technology
Antopolsky A.B. |
The article characterizes the possibilities of using open information resources in the field of education.
Keywords: open software, open standards, open archives, open education, open science.
P. 129–138 |
Asynchronous Learning as a Factor of the Development of Subjectivity in Students
Dyakonov B.P. |
The article focuses on the problem of students' subjectivity development as participants of the educational process. The author shows that different forms of asynchronous learning, which are widespread and inculcated into higher education practice, provide the best way for this development.
Keywords: synchronous education, asynchronous education, subject-to-subject educational relationship, tutor, facilitator, moderator.
P. 139–145 |
Effectiveness of Searching for Music Informatics Educational Materials on the Internet
Beloozerov V.N. |
The article describes an experiment to assess the effectiveness of Internet search for "Introduction to information science" course training material by students of musical specialties at the Moscow State University for Culture and Arts. Yandex and Google search engines were taken as the search tools. Their effectiveness was assessed by the classic accuracy rate T and the newly introduced adequacy search ratio D. Figure D was determined by the degree of user satisfaction of the search results. The experiment demonstrates the suitability of T and D indicators for numerical evaluation of Internet search engines efficiency.
Keywords: information search effectiveness, Internet search engines, search accuracy, search sufficiency, Yandex, Google, introduction to informatics, music informatics.
P. 146–156 |
Processes of Modernization of Education in Russia and Abroad
Boguslavsky M.V. |
P. 157–163 |
Conceptual Aspect of Methodology in Pedagogics
Belyaeva M.A.
The article is a review of the materials from the scientific work compilation “Methodology of Pedagogics: Conceptual Aspect”, composed by an Academician of the Russian Academy of Education E.V.Tkachenko and Professor M.A. Galaguzova. The book presents the articles of educational workers on the discussed topic, published in the leading pedagogical journals.
Keywords: review, methodology of pedagogics, E.V. Tkachenko, M.A. Galaguzova, scientific work compilation.
P. 164–168 |
Time of Freedom, Time of Hope
Lanin B.A.
The article discusses various approaches to the 90s. Moral aspect of renovation is in focus though political and judicial institutions are also interpreted deeply as well as new relationships between state and mass-media. The most important was the process of reformation that built a foundation for future Russia’s integration into the modern world.
Keywords: reforms, moral renewal, establishing of democratic institutions, the media, and culture. |
P. 169–171
Magazin «National and Foreign Pedagogy» № 3(18) 2014
P. 172–173 |