№ 2-2015
Various Strategies of Russian Education Modernization in the Beginning of the 20th Century |
Boguslavsky M.V. |
The article characterizes two strategies of Russian education modernization in the beginning of the 20th century: one originating from the state and one originating from the society. |
Keywords: modernization of Russia education, strategy of education development, Russian education modernization strategy origination friom the state, Russian education modernization strategy origination from the society.
P. 5–18
Theoretical and Methodological Approaches to Studying the Studying the Strategy of Modernization of State Educational Policy at the Beginning of the 20th Century |
Milovanov K.Y. |
This article analyses the experience of reform in Russian education in the beginning of the 20th century as well as the priorities and strategy of state educational policy. |
Keywords: Russian state educational policy in the beginning of the 20th century, strategy, reform in education, principles of education policy, modernization of education, national educational system. |
P. 19–37
Culture as Value Category in the Humanization of General Education in Germany |
Pisareva L.I. |
The article examines in influence of culture values on the development of German general education, on the definition of its goals and content and the leading role of its humanistic component in spiritual, moral and intellectual formation of the students in the course of their acquaintance with the political, informational and ecological cultures, realizing the goal of developing into an independent, responsible and socially active individual. |
Keywords: Culture, cultural values, purpose, content of education, humanization, political education and culture, information. |
P. 38–50
Selecting Educational Content in Czech General Schools: State Standard and School Programs |
Frantsuzova O.A. |
The article examines in influence of culture values on the development of German general education, on the definition of its goals and content and the leading role of its humanistic component in spiritual, moral and intellectual formation of the students in the course of their acquaintance with the political, informational and ecological cultures, realizing the goal of developing into an independent, responsible and socially active individual. |
Keywords: Czech general school, content of education, education in the Czech Republic, educational system. |
P. 51–65 |
Pedagogical Ideas in the Philosophical Heritage of Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel |
Aksyonova E.A. |
The article examines the concept of "education" in German classical philosophy. According to Hegel, it is widely used in the study of nature, society and culture with their variety and forms. Particular importance is devoted to the phenomenon of upbringing in ist physical, mental, moral and cultural aspects. |
Keywords: Hegel's pedagogical views, pedagogy as the art of moral upbringing, scientific world percaption, cultural sensitivity of a person, reasonable morality, logical thinking, dialectical thinking. |
P. 66–75
Social Discussions of the Relationship between Family and School at the End of 19th – Beginning of 20th Centuries |
Kudryashеv A.V. |
The article reconstructs the process of reformation in Russia at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries influenced by social and economic changes brought about by a new generation of educated parents. During that period, discussions of the problem of interrelationship between family and school were beginning to arise. One of the central roles in these discussions belonged to the St. Petersburg Parents’ Circle (1884-1917). During the revolutionary years of 1905-1907, which stirred up all the social strata in the country, parents’ committees started to take shape. Higher educational authorities put constant pressure on these new institutions, only acknowledging the personal authority of the principal, forcing them to submit to centralized administration and organize around state authority. However, the parents’ attempt by itself to regulate school life at the beginning of the 20th century is of great interest. |
Keywords: family, middle school, parents’ committees, Parents’ Circle in St. Petersburg, the Revolution of 1905-1907, P.F. Kapterev. |
P. 76–85
Ways of Overcoming Formalism in Education and Upbringing of Schoolchildren in M.N. Skatkin’s Research |
Zanaev S.Z. |
The article examines the scientific and methodological approaches to overcoming formalism in education and upbringing, which were introduced by M.N. Skatkin, a renowned Russian pedagogue. The author also demonstrates the possible applications of his ideas in modern pedagogics. |
Keywords: formalism, ways of overcoming formalism, using visual methods in education. |
P. 86–92
Humor as a Means of Pedagogical Support |
Yusfin S.M. |
This article examines humor as a possible means of pedagogical support in a child’s educational process. The author determines which tactical problems in pedagogical support can be solved through the use humor. The ability to joke and perceive jokes demonstrates a high level of intellectual development, which is realized in the activities of a Growing Human Being. |
Keywords: sense of humor, pedagogical means, cause and effect relationship, effectiveness of a means, pedagogical support tactics, situation, design. |
P. 93–101
Methodological Basis of the Realization of Educational Potential through the “Spiritual Culture” Section of the Social Science Course |
Korosteleva A.A. |
This article is devoted to the methodological basis of the “Spiritual Culture” section of the Social Science course. The author analyses the educational potential of the aforementioned section, examines the approaches to studying such philosophical categories as “truth”, “justice”, “freedom”, “good”. |
Keywords: axiology, culture, methodology, social science and humanities. |
P. 102–111 |
Economics as a School Subject: Modern Content and Prospects of Development |
Romanova M.Y. |
The article is devoted to the problem of the development of Economics as a school subject in light of the modern school system reforms and the continuity of the system of school and college economic education. The author examines the prospects of developing the content of the subject in high school. |
Keywords: economic education, economic component of content, economic knowledge, academic approach, economic model of a person. |
P. 112–125
Experience Conducting a Chemical Experiment at Home |
Dumanov B.M., Askarov I.R. |
This article examines the modern use of chemical experiments in general schools and gives practical recommendations for developing experimental skills through conducting chemical experiments at home. |
Keywords: teaching Chemistry, chemical experiment, home conditions.
P. 126–130 |
Magazin «National and Foreign Pedagogy» No 1(22) 2015 |
P. 131–132