№ 3-2013
Educational policy in post-soviet Russia and reform in general history education |
Viazemsky E.E. |
This article analyzes the experience of reform in history education in Russia in the 1990s, as well as the priorities of the federal educational policy. The author also sums up the results of the twenty-year period of modernization of school education in post-Soviet Russia. |
Keywords: educational policy in post-Soviet Russia, reform in general history education, principles of educational policy, humanization and democratization of education, variable education, structure and content of education, educational standard.
P. 5–26
Teacher, School, Educational System through the Prism of Ege |
Bochenkov S.A. |
This article discusses the problem of proper use of EGE results in managerial decision making on all levels. One of the possible solutions is an address-based interpretation of the results. Depending on the level of managerial decision making (teacher, school, educational system), the interpretation of EGE results differs for each group, the possible information queries are shown and the systems of key indicators and the main analytical presentation formats are declared, all of which allow to emphasize particular features of the EGE results in a specific region for each level of managerial decision making. |
Keywords: analysis and interpretation of EGE results, education quality assessment, education results, key indicators, education management, EGE results for the teacher, EGE results for the school, EGE results for the educational system.
P. 27-47
Moral and Spiritual Education in the Context of an Integrative Educational Process: Perspectives of Development
Korosteleva A.A. |
This article is dedicated to understanding the modern integrative process in the educational system and the possibilities of integration of moral and spiritual education with Humanities in modern-day general schools. |
Keywords: integration, integrative process, process of education, anthropocentrism, cultural conformity, modernization, moral and spiritual education, tolerance, moral and spiritual values. |
P. 48–58 |
Historiography of Elementary School Educational Literature of the 16th – Beginning of 17th Centuries
Bezrogov V.G. |
This article analyzes different approaches to the history of elementary school textbooks, which started to appear during the age of mass print production of study manuals in Europe. The author also analyzes the methodological problems, which scientists from around the world face and find various solutions to. |
Keywords: textbook, historiography, historical source, teaching, school. |
P. 59–76 |
Pedagogical Literature in the Russian System of Teacher Training in the Second Half of the 19TH – Beginning of the 20TH Centuries. (From the Ushinsky Scientific Pedagogical Library collection1.) |
Goncharov M.A. |
This article is the last in a series of articles on historical and pedagogical materials characterizing the development of the educational system and the system of teacher training in Russia in the second half of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century, which are kept at the Ushinsky Scientific Pedagogical Library. [14] The article analyzes foreign study books, which are part of the Ushinsky Library funds. The most frequently used works in teacher training and self-training were picked for analysis. The results of this research allow to conclude that the works of A. Bain, O. Willman, F. Dittes, W. A. Lay, E. Meumann, F. Paulsen, G. Richard etc. were widely known and used in the Russian pedagogical education system. The studied publications are listed in the bibliography, and, for the readers’ convenience, given codes from the Ushinsky Library catalogue. |
Keywords: pedagogics, upbringing, study book, pedagogical psychology, experimental pedagogics, student’s personality, teacher, gymnasium, pedagogical education. |
P. 77–88 |
Historical and Pedagogical Experience of Formation and Development of Cadet Corps in Pre-Revolutionary Russia
Dyakina E.V. |
The article presents the historical and pedagogical experience of formation and development of cadet corps as an innovative type of educational institution in pre-revolutionary Russia. |
Keywords: military school, cadet corps, gymnasium.
P. 89–93 |
Formation and Cultivation of Inquisitive Interest in Cadets as a Problem of Military Pedagogy during the 1960s – 1980s |
Gashichev A.V. |
This article explores the problems and trends of the development of theoretical basics of formation and cultivation of inquisitive interest in cadets. Through analysis of military pedagogy literature, the author determines the importance of this problem during the 1960s – 1980s and the results of the theoretical and practical research of military specialists. The solution of these problems presents scientific significance for the modernization of the higher military education system in Russia. |
Keywords: military pedagogy, inquisitive interests of the cadets, antinomy “social – personal”.
P. 94–101 |
Experimental Check of Qualitative Physics Problems Using Archimedes Digital Laboratory |
Slepneva N.I. |
This article explores the method of using Archimedes digital laboratory for measuring high-rate temperature processes. A time/temperature dependency formula is derived. The results of this research can be used in projected work of 8th-grade students. |
Keywords: Archimedes digital laboratory, Nova, liquid cooling.
P. 102–105
Convergence as a Modern Form of Mass Media Interaction |
Chelemendik V.S. |
This article analyzes the genesis of media convergence, experience of mass media interaction of the pre-internet period and the activity of convergent editorial offices at the modern stage. Presented is the author’s notion of “genuine” (classical) convergence – one, through which mass media are called upon to productively carry out their function of social institutions, and which the future of press, television and radio broadcasting depends on.
Keywords: mass media, convergence, mediabusiness, internet as a platform for convergence.
P. 106–123 |
Assessing Internet Publishing Activity of Russian Educational Institutions |
Antopolsky A.B. |
The article describes how to use the technology of Google Scholar for the assessment of the publishing activities of educational institutions in the space of Internet. The proposed indicator is sometimes called website «scientism». The author points out a similar experience of «webometrics ranking» of world universities. Also proposed, is a classification of universities, which can ensure the comparability of the results of the assessment through forming homogeneous groups of universities. The results of the assessment of scientific level are presented to the official websites of the Russian universities. These results are interpreted with consideration of the proposed classification.
Keywords: publication activity, universities, official web sites, classification. |
P. 124–138 |
Subject Authority Development Principles “National Education. Pedagogics” |
Polonsky V.M. |
This article formulates the principles, which must be followed in the development of branch subject authority “National Education. Pedagogics”, analyzes the changes in the conceptual and terminological aspects of pedagogics due to the new federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation” and their probable consequences.
Keywords: subject authority GRNTI, subject authority “National Education. Pedagogics”, federal law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, conceptual and terminological aspects of pedagogics. |
P. 139–148 |
Sientific Archive of the Russian Academy of Education: Yesterday and Today |
Kozlova N.Yu. |
The article explores the history of organization of the Russian scientific archive of education as part of the Russian Academy of Education. The author presents a full list of archive funds of the NARCOMPROS RSFSR educational institutions of the RSFSR (USSR) Academy of Education. The author also characterizes some of the unique archive documents of the first scientific-research institutes of Soviet Russia in the early 20th century, as well as personal archive funds of teachers, psychologists and public figures of national education in Russia from the middle of the 19th century to the end of the 20th century. |
Keywords: unique documents on education in Russia, collection of documents on education, education in the Russian Empire, scientific-research institute of the NARCOMPROS RSFSR, Academy of Education of the USSR, personal archive funds of teachers, psychologists, public figures of national education in Russia.
P. 149–158
Education throughout the Life: Continued Education in the Interests of Stable Development |
Lomakina T.Yu. |
It has become a tradition to gather in the beginning of June in Saint-Petersburg to discuss the problems of continued education in the world. This year, the eleventh annual international conference “Education throughout the Life: Continued Education in the Interests of Stable Development” took place on May 31 – June 2, 2013 at the Pushkin Leningrad State University. |
Keywords: conference, continued education, Pushkin Leningrad Sate University. |
P. 159–166 |
Ways of Seeng Beautiful Things |
Lanin B.A. |
P. 167–170 |
Magazin «National and Foreign Pedagogy»№ 3(12) 2013
P. 171-172