№ 5-2014
Mental Contradictions of National Education Modernization |
Dorokhova T.S. |
The article examines the most profound (mental) contradictions of the Russian education modernization process. These contradictions are presented at the level of national mentality and peculiarities of Russian educational and teacher mentality. One of the factors determining the specificity of Russian education modernization is its duality. The author views Russian modernization of education as having two components: a “catching up” and a “protective” (recurrent) one. This also applies to modernization of education throughout the 1980s and 1990s, as well as the modernization process, which began in 2012. |
Keywords: modernization, modernization of education, mentality, national character, mentality of education, teacher mentality.
P. 5–12
Organizing Educational Achievement Monitoring throughout the World: National Educational Progress Assessment in USA |
Valdman I.A. |
The article examines the main elements of the national assessment program NAEP (The National Assessment of Educational Progress) in USA. Among these elements are goals of the SIMCE, users of assessment results, information dissemination strategy, forms of information, information products and their characteristics. |
Keywords: learning achievement monitoring, national assessment, education quality assessment, testing, achievement levels, presentation of assessment results, information dissemination strategy.
P. 13–34
Development of German Higher Education System |
Neborsky E.V. |
The article examines the history of the development of the German higher education system and retraces its basic periods from the period of formation to the modern times. |
Keywords: German higher education system, universities, history of education, Humboldt’s reform, Bologna process.
P. 35–39
Family and School: Partnership or Opposition |
Dementyeva I.F. |
Russian reforms of recent decades have changed the nature of the relationship of family and school as two equivalent educational institutions. The paradigm of change can be traced to the results of the sociological research with the author's participation. |
Keywords: family education, pedagogical support, educational role, educational competence.
P. 40–48 |
Basics of Designing Educational Potential of School Socio-Humanitarian Education |
Vyazemsky E.E., Sinelnikov I.Y. |
The article deals with the basic ideas, goals and future directions in designing educational potential of social and humanitarian education, reveals the relevance of value-oriented and upbringing-oriented schooling. Implementation issues of school social and humanitarian education are analyzed in the context of the national education policy priorities. The authors justify the selection of three key stages in the genesis of the state policy in the field of education of children and youth in post-Soviet Russia and show the opportunities and risks of implementing the educational potential of social and humanities education, suggesting ways to minimize these risks. This article was prepared in line with the plan of research implemented by the Institute for Content and Methods of Education of the Russian Academy of Education (Theme 13. Methodology of implementation of educational potential of social and humanitarian education in modern society). |
Keywords: upbringing, educational potential, social andhumanitarian education,civicism, interdisciplinary connections, out-of-class learning.
P. 49–65
Torsten Husen’s Ideas of Individualized Learning |
Aksenova E.A. |
The article explores the pedagogical activity of Torsten Husen – a great scientist, researcher of international issues in education, teacher at Stockholm University and creator of the idea of “recurrent education”. The author of the article also characterizes his ideas of individualized learning, stimulating a student to independence and activity throughout the learning process. |
Keywords: individualized learning, independence, activity, creativity in the learning process, methods of stimulating for learning, external and internal learning motivation.
P. 66–73
Legal Problems Associated with Using Original Texts in Pedagogical Literature
Danilina E.A.
Тhe article examines the changes in the Russian Civil Code regarding the possibility of free reproduction of authors' texts in the field of educational literature. A comparison of the domestic and foreign legislation is made. Particularly, the author analyzes the new introductions into the Civil Code that allow contemporary authors' works to be read aloud within different educational organizations.
Keywords: law, civil rights, author's rights, pedagogics, reproduction of original texts for educational purposes.
P. 74–79 |
Economical Component Development Perspectives of “World Study” School Subject |
Korneyeva O.S. |
The article presents the results of the research of the modern state and perspectives of the development of the economical aspect of natural science subjects in elementary school. The author analyses the economical component of the “World Study” school subject as the main source of natural science and sociological education in elementary schools. The perspectives of forming an economical component based on the axiological approach are defined and include formation of the content of economical education in light of modern trends in innovative economy, integration of economical and ecological knowledge, formation of the notion of interconditionality of human action and changes in nature, strengthening of the axiological aspect of economical education, acquaintance with the Russian cultural and historical experience in management. |
Keywords: economical education, elementary school, “World Study”.
P. 80–94 |
Educational Potential of the Russian Cultural Experience of Economical Activity as Part of Economical Education in School
Romanova M.Y. |
The article examines the role of economical education, conservation and communication of the cultural experience of the realization of economic relations in the context of the Russian national cultural paradigm. |
Keywords: education, humanization, culture, culture-oriented content, national economics, economical education, economical activity, economical crisis. |
P. 95–104 |
Organizing Inclusive Education in Russia and Abroad (Comparative Analysis)
Sheveleva D.E. |
The article examines the social premises and legal platform of inclusive education. Also described are the organizational patterns allowing the integration of children with different levels of psychophysical development into the school educational process. The author conducts a comparative analysis of different approaches to inclusive education and student support in Russia and abroad. |
Keywords: inclusive education, integration, model of inclusion, adaptation of the educational process, individualization, normalization principle, children with disabilities, support, forms of education, individual plans, student cooperation. |
P. 105–115 |
Motive of Affiliation as the Main Factor of Unity in Youth Groups |
Norkulova N.T. |
The article presents data on the study and assessment of affiliation among youth groups, as well as its influence on the process of student socialization in the conditions of higher school educational process. The author substantiates the necessity of the development of the affiliation motive as one of the factors of the formation of moral and spiritual values. |
Keywords: motive of affiliation, aspiration to acception, fear of rejection, communicative competence, morals, social values.
P. 116–127
Psycho-Pedagogical Support of Students in the Conditions of Integrated Education |
Grigoryeva M.Y. |
The article presents the characteristics of psycho-pedagogical support in the conditions of integrated education. The authorexamines the role of the school psychologist in designing and organizing psycho-pedagogical support of children and adults.The author formulates the main directions ofpsycho-pedagogical support of the development ofa teacher’s professional competence.The article also examines the main conditions of a psycho-pedagogical support program effectiveness. |
Keywords: psycho-pedagogical support, young people, psychologist, teacher, parents, adaptation, integrated education, complex approach, psychological conditions, competence.
P. 128–137 |
Innovative Methodology in Teaching Chemistry within the Framework of a Competence-Based Approach |
Gulay O.I. |
The article analyses the results of the competence approach to specialist training in the system of higher education. The importance of chemistry as a subject of fundamental training in forming key and professional competences in future builder-engineers was analysed. Examples of interactive teaching methodology application in lectures, laboratory work and independent student work are made. |
Keywords: key competences, professional competence, interactive methodologies, chemistry. |
P. 138–151 |
School Library as Part of the Modern Education System |
Fateyeva R.I. |
The school library in Russia is being reformed in accordance with the requirements of the GEF, aimed at the informatization of education. The author characterizes the new position of "teacher-librarian" that provides for the development of a new direction of activity and leads to changes in the library contents. |
Keywords: school library, teacher-librarian, information resources. |
P. 152–159 |
Children’s Library and Education: Points of Interaction
Kulikova Y.V. |
The article examines the goals of educational and cultural institution interaction, as well as the characteristics of children’s libraries that allow for the most effective work aimed at the enlightenment of the young generation. |
Keywords: children’s library, education, enlightenment.
P. 160–164 |
Continuous Education Forum in Astana |
Lomakina T.Y. |
On October 10–11, 2014, the second stage of the XII International Conference “Education throughout Life: Continuous Education in the Interests of Stable development” took place in Astana (Republic of Kazakhstan) at the “Silk Way” multifunctional conference hall. |
P. 165–169 |
Tarkovskii’s phenomenon in ХХI c. culture |
Lanin B.A. |
Various approaches towards Andrei Tarkovskii’s oeuvre are in focus. His insights seem extremely valuable in the ХХI c. Films creating process changed the lives of every team members of Tarkovskii. Different aspects of Tarkovskii’s heritage are discussed in this article. |
Keywords: cinema, genre, frame, anti-utopia, actor, Tarkovskii. |
P. 170–176 |
Magazin «National and Foreign Pedagogy» No 4(19) 2014 |
P. 177